Drabble 5

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Okay, so in my English class we are studying sestinas.

Our assignment was to write one. I did, and I liked it so much I decided to post it here to share my genius with whoever it is that actually reads any of my stuff.

She's destorying herself,
because she fell in love with the comfort
depression had to offer.
However, with comfort comes a price.
For this vile of quiet sorrow,
she may exchange her life.

She's never seen the point in life.
She's never seen beauty in herself.
Peering at her reflection, in her eyes are tears of sorrow.
Her demons dig their claws into her skin, their arm draped over her shoulders to provide comfort,
Then hold their hand out naming a price.
With an open mind and empty pockets, she has nothing left to offer.

She looks up at her dad one day, guidance he has to offer.
You want to change your life
he says, and ends up paying a price.
With gratitude in her eyes, she agrees to apply herself.
He holds her in his arms, his hugs providing comfort.
With a bright new future just in reach, she's become tired of the sorrow.

Still she struggles, scars left behind from the demon she calls Sorrow.
But she remembers her fathers offer,
and the warmth of all his comfort.
She's yet to discover the beauty in her life,
and is still oblivious to the beauty she herself
radiates. So she changes the way she looks, and like everything in life, that came with a price.

Pays for products and clothes and jewelery. However, what she really wants has no price
tag. For you cannot pay someone to take away your sorrow.
She realized no matter what she does, it will always be a part of herself.
She's tried looking for love, but not one thing any boy had to offer
was enough to give her the kind of life
she was seeking. She doesn't want arms, she isn't seeking comfort.

Not at all was it ever about comfort
or beauty or love. She's always known that if you want something, to have it you had to pay a price.
What would happiness cost if there was a tag on it? What will she do for a happy life?
She turns to her old friend Sorrow,
with a kiss goodbye and a hand shake left to offer,
sets off to be happy. Only she can do that for herself.

For in order to appreciate comfort, she must let go of sorrow.
For every self satisfying offer, she will end up paying a greater price.
And in her efforts to strive for a happy life, she must learn to love and accept herself.

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