Chapter 36

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For reasons she couldn't understand she had spent the night crying, she knew she was already in love with Eric and the life they were making with Adele. She wasn't so dense that her own feelings were unidentifiable to her but it wasn't fair to Eric. Missy was accomplished and beautiful, any man would love her, and Eric had. Even though he'd said they weren't serious, she had seen the possessiveness Missy had displayed.

Missy likely hated Jemma because she had taken Eric away from her and she couldn't blame her. She had buried herself in her covers, muffling her cry so that no one knew. Tomorrow was Friday and she could return to normal, she could play the best friend as she had before now. He was leaving the following week before the first freeze, and she just had to keep herself under control until then.

When morning came she was slow to get ready, she knocked on Adele's door nearly 15 minutes later than normal, "Are you up sweetie?"

When no answer came she opened up the door slowly and found her asleep still. With a smile she came into the room, picking some clothes off the floor as she went and tossing them into the hamper. Slowly she set down on the bed and petted her hair, pushing it back from her forehead.

"Adele?" Jemma said softly, trying to wake her up.

She opened her eyes sleepily, she looked drowsier than normal, and Jemma felt bad for not waking her on time, "Adele, wake up, I woke up late you have to get ready in half an hour."

She groaned as she rolled over, "My head hurts."

Jemma was instantly concerned and she put the back of her hand to her head. "Oh sweetie you are burning up." Jemma exclaimed.

Standing she went to the bathroom that they shared and dug in the closet for a thermometer. After a few failed places she finally struck gold and pulled one out. Running it under warm water before she brought it back to Adele, Jemma decided if Adele was sick she was going to stay home.

"Put this in your mouth, under your tongue," she instructed, pushing the start button once it was in place.

It started moving up slowly, and when it started going north of 99.5 degrees she started to feel panic rising up in her chest. When it stopped at 100.4 degrees she pulled it out and smiled down at Adele reassuringly.

"Looks like you get to stay home," she said gently pushing Adele's hair out of her face, "Let me call Mrs. Johnson and let her know I won't be seeing Lucy today."

She coughed a little, "Shannon Lewis had the flu and had to go home early yesterday. She sits next to me."

"Looks like Miss Lewis gave it to you," Jemma said, "Let me get you some water and cold medicine I bought for you."

She snagged her cell phone on the way to the kitchen and called to let Mrs. Johnson know that she wouldn't be coming. She understood and said it was about time they stopped doing Fridays all together and Jemma agreed. Filling up a glass and digging around for the straws she was surprised Eric hasn't come down yet. She snuck to his room and knocked on the door there wasn't any answer.

When she slowly opened the door, the room was empty. Closing it slowly she went back upstairs with the water and children's cold medicine in hand. It was strange that he would leave so early. She wondered if he may be mad at her and she decided after she tucked in Adele she would call him.

When she poured the purple liquid into the measuring cup Adele made a face and Jemma had to ask, "Is something wrong?"

"I hate grape," she answered as she eyeballed it with disgust.

"I didn't know," Jemma said biting her lip, "Can you be a good girl and have it now? I promise to have Eric pick up a different kind on the way home."

She nodded and took the offered cup, cringing before swallowing it down quickly, before drinking a good portion of the water behind it. Jemma set the cup on her bedside stand before going out to wet a wash cloth with cold water. When she returned she put the damp cloth on her head, hoping it would help.

"I will leave your door open, if you need me just call for me okay?" Jemma told her, watching as she slowly slipped back to sleep.

Creeping from the room she brought up Eric's number and called him, his phone went right to voicemail. That made her worry even more so she left a voicemail that her and Adele were staying home, and that she would call the school in his stead. That she really wanted to talk with him and that he should call her back the instant he got the message.

She waited a few minutes debating what to do and then she pulled up Mary's number and called her. She picked up after a few rings, sounding very glad to hear from her. After the normal pleasantries Jemma inquired if she knew where Eric was.

"Didn't he tell you?" Mary sounded surprised, "He took an early flight this morning to Italy."

"Oh," she said unable to fully grasp that he had left without telling her, "He must have left a note somewhere and I just didn't find it."

"Is something wrong?" Mary asked sounding rather concerned.

"Adele has come down with the flu and she doesn't like the grape cough medicine I got her," Jemma said sounding a little forlorn, "I was hoping he would pick some up on the way home."

"It isn't like Eric to leave on such short notice without making sure everyone knows," Mary's voice faded out a second, "His plane should land in an hour or so, I will call him and tell him exactly what I think about his insensitive actions."

"It's alright Mary; I just wanted to make sure he was alright," Jemma said, biting her bottom lip, because she knew exactly why he had left so suddenly, "I am going to go back to bed, I am a little tired as well. Mary can you not bother him and tell him that he can finish his work in Italy? I know it is really important."

She let out a resigned sigh. "Very well, I won't press the matter."

"Candice is returning from Maine on Sunday, if I need anything I am sure she will get it for me," Jemma said, "I will talk to you soon."

"You take care of yourself," Mary said before hanging up, obviously about to call Eric and give him a lecture on proper etiquette.

She checked in on Adele once more before undressing and crawling back into bed. It wasn't long before she was completely asleep.

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