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1 year later

She stared out over the Vineyard with a sense of calm, a little prick of sadness crept over her as she gazed at the sunrise. Time pressed on, it was an ever steady step of seconds and minutes that bleed into months and years. She thought of Jeff, he would always be a part of her and she missed him sometimes. It was natural to miss those that have been lost.

The acres of grapes looked back at her with a quiet understanding, she felt like the land could hear her thoughts. She was letting her hair grow longer then she usually let it, it curled around her arms as she stood leaning against the balcony's stone railing.

She remembered everything that happened over the past few years with complete clarity. Losing Jeff, meeting Mary, then Eric, she stopped and smiled at the memory of their first meeting. Her newfound closeness to her family and her brother's wedding a few months back. Candice's announcement she was dating Lincoln Cole's son, Eli Cole, and that they were getting a flat together in London. As serious as Candice had ever been.

Jemma chuckled because the last time she had spoken with Candice they were puppy hunting, and Candice was like a little girl in a candy store. Adele was jealous and wanted a puppy too but Jemma and Eric agreed that she was too young.

She heard the balcony door creak open as Eric joined her on the balcony.

"Couldn't sleep?" He said quietly.

"Someone was keeping me awake," she answered tartly, but she did so more for show then effect as she turned around to face him.

"I wasn't talking to you," he said kneeling to put his head to her obviously pregnant stomach, "I was talking to our daughter."

"She has been kicking all morning," Jemma sighed, "Won't let her mother get any rest."

He kissed her stomach before standing to kiss her, "How are you this morning my lovely wife?"

"Utterly happy, Mr. McManis," she answered with a coy smile, "If only Elizabeth would quit kicking my bladder like a soccer ball."

He gave her a confused look that slowly spread into a smile, "You're going to name her Elizabeth?"

"Yes, Elizabeth Marie McManis," she replied, "Do you like it?"

"I love it," he answered kissing her thoroughly and she knew he meant it.


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