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That boy Thomas, had a bag of ice on his eye. It remained swollen and bruised and it was not a pretty sight. I remember how he got it. It was from that stupid guy, Gally. He was furious. He yelled at Thomas because he believed it was him who started all this bad. He was one of the last to arrive. Then, weird things occurred. Alby died, and a girl came up, apparently the last one. He was so superstitious that Thomas had something to do with this. The girl even yelled his name not just two days ago.

He finally had enough. He pounded his fist into his ribcage, that sent a shock of pain up his spine. It also did not help that Peter threw the last punch at his stomach. That last one hurt so bad, it made him regurgitate his breakfast.

Now I don't believe that he was the cause of anything, but I do believe that Peter and Gally were jerks! The Grievers needed to drag them away. And I guarantee, that no one would miss there departure. But, I could not spend time by keeping the grudge present. I had to let them go. Besides, I was way too caught up with Tobias right now. Over the past two weeks, we developed a stronger bond. I could already tell that I loved him. It's funny how someone can meet the love of their life in such a short amount of time.

I went back to my room, exhausted from another hard day from the labor. We had to work extra hard to harvest all the crops, for they finally grew nice and big. I slumped onto my mattress. Nothing ever felt so wonderful. I drifted off to sleep quickly, as my mind completely shut off.

"Darn it Jansen, the progress is too slow. They are just now figuring out that something is changing." A blond haired lady yelled. She was in an argument with someone.

"You think I don't know that? We are in the process of increasing the variables. But, we also have to reveal more information if we ever want the mapping in the Kill Zone to act accordingly. I strongly suggest that we tell them about the Divergents..."

"What! No, we can not risk the information at this time. It would alter our results way to quickly. Why would we tell them who is Divergent?"

"Gosh, don't you listen! We are not going to tell them who among them is Divergent. We will tell them a little about it. What it is. Just background information, Jeanine!"

"Fine, but I want this sped up. Increase the variables by next week, or we are through!"

My eyes popped open. That was the strangest dream I've had here. The word 'Divergent' encircled my mind. I was curious to know what it was. The woman in my dream seemed very concerned. Weird. I want to tell someone, anyone about this dream. But they would not believe me. Who would believe a dream? My thoughts were interrupted by voices down the hall. Slowly, I crept right next to the room, where the whispered sounds filled the room. It seemed...suspicious.

"...We can't tell anyone... It's way too soon to tell... Gosh no! Not even her, She especially can't know... This might just work..." I barely could comprehend what I heard. The two deep voices whispered so low, it was barely audible. But, the voices sounded way too familiar. I heard footsteps that walked towards the exit. I freaked, and ran. I ran back to my room and hid behind the wall. I waited until the person came by. They quietly creeped along, for they did not want to wake anyone. Even through the dim light, I could recognize the blond haired boy that walked past my door. It was Newt. Whoever the two people were, one was Newt. Something or someone kept secrets.


Obviously rattled by everything I heard, I headed into the entrance of Tobia's room. His door was wide open. Now I almost turned back around, but his deep voice called me. Startled, I entered. "I did not even know you were awake."

"Yeah, I guess I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind." He said. I walked over to his bed, and lied down on the other side. We lay, side by side. Shoulder-to-shoulder.

"Yeah I know the feeling." It looked like he was about to speak, for he opened up his lips. But, he then turned to me, and kissed me instead. His lips were among mine, and then he pulled away, his dark blue eyes showed a smile in them. " Hey, Tobias, are you okay?"

He did not answer. His mouth opened. And he released semi-loud snores. Even when he snored I still liked him. I guess it just took kissing me to calm his mind down to sleep. I laughed at the thought before I turned on my side to face him. "I love you, Tobias." I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. I soon fell asleep, with his snoring close to my ear.

Authors Note-
Hey, thank you all who still read this story! So I would just like to say that this chapter was more of a filler chapter. So sorry if it was not what you all were expecting. Sorry to keep you all waiting for just to make up for it. As an apology, I will be updating an extra day this weekend, so you will get two chapters in one week! (This one plus another one)

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