Chapter Nine: Discovered

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I've always had a passion for singing...I've been uploading videos of me singing covers on YouTube for about three months now. My videos get a bunch of views and I have quite a few suscribers. I never really knew that my voice was that good until people started commenting on my videos saying "Oh my gosh you're such a good singer!" or "I'm surprised that you aren't signed to a record label yet." That comment really got me...The X Factor USA auditions were coming to Miami and I decided that I should try out. I got a ton of support from my friends, family, and some people on YouTube. I was practicing all day and all night, making sure my audition song was perfect. My audition song is going to be "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. I was trying to make the song my own to impress the judges.

It was the day....the day of the X Factor audition. I curled my hair, and put light pink lipstick on. My sister, Jade, and Jordyn were going to be there with me for my audition so it made me feel more comfortable.

When we got to the arena where they were holding auditions, there was already a line forming. It took about five hours for me to get registered in. I walked into the arena and into the waiting room. Jade and Jordyn gave me a little pep-talk to get me in the mood. Chloe was giving me advice on how I should take criticism as advice and not for anything bad. I got a sticker with my audition number on it and put it on the front of my shirt. I waited until the staff members called my name and leaded me to the stage. "Danielle Louise Edwards, it's audition time!" I took a breath and took up while walking towards the stage with Jade, Jordyn, and Chloe following me close behind. As the lady handed me the mic, Jade said, "Brake a leg!" I looked back and gave them a thumbs up. I took three slow deep breaths and walked my way to the stage. The crowed cheered and I saw, right in front of me, Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell, Britney Spears, and L.A. Reid, as the X Factor Judges. "Hello how are you?" Simon asked. "I'm good, thank you. How about yourself?" I said. "Very well thanks." "What's you name?" Demi asked. "My name is Danielle Louise Edwards." "What are your favorite hobbies besides singing?" Britney asked. "I love to play volleyball, cheer, and I am absolutely in love with One Direction and Justin Bieber!" The crowd screamed. Simon gave a big grin because he was the one that put One Direction as a group in 2010. "What will you be singing for us today, Ms. Edwards?" L.A. asked. "I will be singing I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys." The crowed cheered. "Okay, you can start whenever you're ready." The music started and I started singing. I started getting into the song. I felt more comfortable getting towards the end of the song. "I never wanna hear you say, I Want It That Way." I wrapped up the song and got a standing ovation. Even from the judges! "Wow! Danielle, you're an amazing singer! I love how you made the song your own with a unique twist. I honestly like your version better than the original!" Demi said. I tried to hold back my happy tears. "Wow, that is amazing hearing that from you, thank you!" I replied back. "Well, Danielle, the only thing that I don't like about you is that you aren't signed to a record label yet! You are truly an amazing singer and you have star potential." Simon said. ERRRRMAAAGAWWWDDDDDD this is too much to handle!!! I'm literally internally screaming! "Wow! Thank you so much! It means a lot!" I said. "No, thank you for showing America what true singing talent is." Simon replied back. "Shall we vote?" Britney asked. "How about we all say it in unison?" L.A. asked. "1...2....3....YES!" All the four judges said it at the same time. "Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so very much!!!" The crowd went wild. I waved to the judges and went backstage. Jade, Jordyn, and Chloe all ran up to me and hugged me. "Dani!!! YOU DID IT!!!" Chloe said. I never realized that I want to make a career out of singing until I stepped onto the X Factor stage...I want to win this competition...badly...

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