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Nandini came out of her room wearing a pink tshirt and blue pants..

She was wiping her face with a towel when she saw manik was not there

Nandini: manik kaha gaya?

She went a little forward and saw the card..

She read the card as a smile crept on her face..

Nandini rushed to the garden..

She entered the garden area to see no one..

Nandini confused went to the backside garden area..

She entered to see a small place decorated with a table,2 chairs,white lights and flowers and ofcourse fireflies..

Nandini smiling: wow! This is so pretty..

Manik came from behind and atood behind her very close

Manik: happy anniversary

Nandini smiled and turned her face back to see his one very close..

Manik: shall we?

Nandini smiled and manik gave his hand forward..

They went to near the chairs and both sat

Nandini: manik ye saab?

Manik: you know nandini! I knew you would work and be tired and all..i had to make sure u have a good time na!

Nandini smiled: you always do..

Manik popped the champagne bottle and they both took a sip..

Manik: so nandini! Its been 6 years? Woah so fast! Thankgod i didnt get bored

Nandini: manikk!

Manik laughed: i love you! Thankyou for changing me..for making me a better person..

Nandini: manik you are the best person for me..

Manik smiled looking at her: oh wait..

Manik bent down and took a cake out from the tray beside..

It was a small chocolate cake

Nandini laughed: seriously? Are we babies still cutring cake?

Manik: baby hogaya toh kya hua? We still are! Oh my god nandini! Aaj ayaan asked me why i kiss you

Nandini shouts: whaattt? Whyy?

Manik told her everything..

Nandini burst out laughing.. She laughed for a long time

Manik: hogaya?

Nandini: oh my god! I cant stop..

Manil held her hand: its okay nandini! You can stop or else i wont stop...

Nandini smiled looking at manik's naughty smile..

Nandini: acha chalo lets cut the cake..

Manik and nandini both stood up and manik came and stood beside nandini..

They cut the cake..

Nandini gave fed him cake and so did manik..

Nandini: manik tumhare lips mein..

Manik: kya?

Nandini: cream

Manik pulled her closer holding around her waist: saaf kardo..

Nandini smiling moved her hand but manik held it..

He held the other hand on her back

Nandini: will i

Manik: i am sure u know..

Nandini: manikk

Manik smiled looking at her giving her the stubborn look..

Nandini stood on her toes and moved her lips  closer to his one..

She kissed around the cream..

Manik closed his eyes and kissed her lips too..

They both joined in for a kiss..and kissed slowly and passionately..

Afterawhile manik broke the kiss and moved back

Manik: what nandini! So distracting

Nandini: i am distracting you?

Manik: ofcourse! Come

Nandini: kaha?

Manik: sawal maat karo! Just come

Manik held her hand and they both went..

Manik tooo her at the end of the garden..

Nandini: what are we doing here?

Manik: shh

There was a lake beside and the both stood under a light..

Suddenly there was one firework on the sky..

Nandini looked surprised at the sky..

Manik smiled..

And within was not just one there were hundreds of after another bursting on the sky making the sky shine..

Nandini was literally jumping looking at them..

Manil hugged her from beside..both looking up

Nandini: manikkkk! This is so beautiful

Manik smiled seeing her so happy..

He turned towards her and nandini turned towards him

Nandini: i love you way too much manik..

Manik: i love you too..

Nandini stood on her toes and kissed his lips..

They both kissed for sometime and then stood joining their foreheads as the fireworks still went on..

Nandini and manik: happy anniversary..

They both laughed and closed their eyes...

MaNan happily ever after. Part-2Where stories live. Discover now