Last chapter Chapter-200

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The next day was a relaxing one for all of them! They rested,talked,most of fhe guests had left,they chilled at the swimmin pool..

It was night soon and it was a bonfire at the garden..

They all sat in circles and talked to each other and laughed..

Aryaman: okay guys! Lets hare the best moments of our life with each other?

Nandini: haan lets start!

Aryaman: umm let me start! My best moment would be the days of kashmir! What memories we made

Alya: haan! It was amazing! Waise toh everyday is amazing for me but the best moment was dhruv's proposal

Everyone: awww

Mukti: seein abhimanyu again and knowing he is completely okay and forever mine!

Everyone: awwww!!

Abhimanyu hugged mukti

Abhimanyu: marryin mukti! Swriously! Dream come true..

Manik: when i married nandini and when ayaan was born! EquAlly memorable

Nandini: mine tooo!! Those feelings..

He side hugged manik resting her head on his shoulder..

Cabir: umm..ahen fab5 happened i guess !

Dhruv: marrying alya!

Navya: kashmir trip and when my bany was born!

They all talked for some more time..

Ayaan came and sat on nandini's lap and nandini hugged him: my babyy

Ayaan: ahhh! I got squisheddd!!

Everyone laughsd

Manik; lets do some more squishing then?

Manik hugged both of them together..

The three laughed..

Ayaan finally freed himself and stood up..

He looked at manik and nandini an hugged them both: best mamma papa..

Everyone else: awew!!

Nandini and manik hugged him back smiling..

Ayaan went off to play again...

Navya hugged nandini and sat down with her head on he shoulded..

Cabir jumped in and lied down placing his head on manik's lap..

They all talked and laughed making fun of each other...

After sometime-

Manik saw nandini standing at the corner of the garden and looking up at the sky..

He came and hugged her from behind: kya dekh rahi ho?

Nandini: not seeing..this feeling manik! Of how life started and how it is now..

Manik smiled looking up at the sky too: it is surprisin isnt it nandini!

Nandini: we are very lucky manik!

Manik; i know..

They looked back to see all their loved ones,their family sittin together and laughing and talking to each other..

Nandini turned around looking at manik: thankyou for everything! For loving me so much..

Manik joined his forehead with her one: thankyoj for being in my life nandini! I mean all the small things.,starting from ot fight to the punch to the kiss to the new love to the kiss to more seperation to marriage to being with me through all the giving me ayaan

Nandini smiled and kissed his lips..

They kissed their lips softly and then side-hugged each other and looked up at the sky..

Manik made a infinite drawing point up at the sky

Manik and nandini: manan forever!

They smiled and kissed each other again..

Ayaan: mamma comee

Nandinu: comingg

Manik: chale?

Nandini: manik we are pregnant

Manik: what?

Nandini smiling looked at him: yess

Manik: oh my god! Nandinii bola kyu nehi..

Nandini: i found out today only...

Manik hugged her and picked her upp: omggg!!

Nandini laughe and hugged him tight..

Nandini: i love youu!!

Manik: i love u tooo!! Thankyou...

Manik put her down and kissed her forehead..

He was so happy he turned all red and couldnt stop smiling..

Nandini: chalo?

Manik entwined their fingers together and they walke towards their family..

Everyone jumped up in excitement an started congratulating..

The most happy was ayaan who almost fell..

They all hugged each other and stood doing a group hug..

Mukti: chalo chalo to sleep..

They all walked back to their rooms..

Nandini and manik walked with their fingers entwined..

Manik kissed her cheek and pulled her in a hug..

A bunch of fireflies came across from river and shined the whole sky..

They both stood looking up and then walked smiling...

A lovestory which started with these fireflies..

And thats how manan lived happily ever after ❤️❤️

Writer's note-

An amazing journey which started few months ago! A beautiful journey to cherish! Love you all for all the love you have given to me and my storyy!! Thankyou for everythinggg!

MaNan humesha ❤️

MaNan happily ever after. Part-2Where stories live. Discover now