Chapter 2

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Lucy's POV

I slowly started to regain consciousness, I was laying on something hard. Strange. This doesn't feel like my bed. Did I fall asleep on the couch again? Then I remembered what happened and sat up quickly. I was still in the prison cell. Which means-

"Finally awake huh?" Jackal said, grinning. He is sitting about two meters away from me to the left, he was also sitting cross-legged. He was wearing his usual pants and scarf (The one after the resurrection) but he didn't have a shirt on, which meant that you could clearly see his well toned abs. No! Stop thinking like that! Bad Lucy!

"Y-yeah" I said. Damn, why did I have to stutter?

"Afraid girlie? You should be. You have no idea what I'm capable of doing" He said while inching closer. Now he had one arm over my stomach area and was half leaning over me.

"I could kill you right here and now if I wanted to you know? But I'll let you live if you continue to cook delicious food for me. How bout it?"

"Huh?" I said, confused. He wanted me to cook for him, I can understand why. The food they serve here, no, it's not even food. But whatever it is it's terrible. But still.

"You heard me, those pancakes was delicious. Cook for me and live, what do you say? Because I have a feeling you're the one they assigned as the next person in charge of me. Am I right?" Pancakes? Oh, right. I made pancakes for him. Wait, did he eat them? I looked around and noticed that the tray had a empty dish on it. But something else also caught my eye. The door was still open, I must've forgotten to close it when I came in here. But why hasn't he escaped yet? I mean he could easily just blow up the council and be free. He's done it before. So why? As if reading my mind Jackal suddenly spoke.

"I know it's open, I just didn't feel like leaving. I have nowhere to return to anyway. Because I have no idea where the others are, if they're still alive that is" He is the same as me. I thought. Jackal leaned back and allowed me to sit up completely.

"I know how you feel, I don't know where my comrades are either. They all left and the guild disbanded" Why did I tell him that? Now he'll probably think I'm a lonely crybaby.

"Really? Could that be the reason why your wrists smell like blood? Seriously you shouldn't do that to yourself, your weak body won't be able to withstand it" He's right, I am weak. I opened my mouth to answer him but was interrupted.

"Let her go this instant Jackal!" Mest said, I looked towards the bars and noticed him standing there with that jerk- I mean guard from earlier.

"Why should I listen to you? You're not the boss of me" He grabbed my arm forcefully and pulled me onto his lap. Both his arms around my middle. Since he was still sitting cross-legged I ended up in a awkward position.

"I can do whatever I want" He said while nuzzling his head into my neck. I don't know if I should be afraid or embarrassed. I am terrified of his bomb curse but this position is just so awkward. He was about to speak again but was interrupted.

"Let. Her. Go" Mest's voice was dangerously low.

"Oy. Oy. You haven't forgotten about my curse right?" I saw two circles appearing on my stomach. My heart sank. I was beyond terrified. This is it, I'm going to die. But my thoughts were soon interrupted.

"It's alright, you'll be fine" Jackal whispered in my ear, his voice was still the same as before. Except maybe a little bit more annoyed. But it still made me calm down somehow.

"What do you want us to do? We'll do it and in return you'll let her go"

"I want you two to dance the bird dance" What? I am seriously mindf*cked right now. Why would he want them to do that?

"Fine, on three!" He looked at the guard.

"I won't do it" Jerk.

"Yes you will, it's an order"

"I hate this job" And we hate you.

"One" They positioned themselves beside each other.

"Two" They put their hands in their armpits.

"Three" And they started. I have to admit, it was hilarious. We couldn't stop laughing. Yes, I said we. Jackal laughed as well. After a little while they both stopped after a while and glared at us.

"You fooled us didn't you?"

"Of course, I would never kill my new personal cook and entertainment on the first day" Entertainment? Oh boy. This job is going to be the death of me. I felt Jackal's arms release me and I stood up.

"See you tomorrow girlie. Remember don't taint your skin, kay? Wouldn't want you to die on me before you've even cooked for me for a week" That jerk. He is like a sadistic version of Natsu. Only thinking about food.

When I had almost reached the exit of the building Mest stopped me.

"What did he mean by 'don't taint your skin'?" He asked. What should I tell him? I can't tell him the truth.

"Don't know, it's probably nothing important" I lied, but he seemed to buy it and before I walked out he yelled after me.

"Remember! Same time tomorrow! You know where you're headed so you should be fine by yourself!" He yelled.

"Okay!" I yelled back. The first day of my new work and I have met an old enemy, seen one old friend dancing the bird dance and also being called 'entertainment' by a criminal. BEST DAY EVER! Not. But even though the day didn't go like I planned it to I feel happy. I have this happy feeling that I haven't felt since Team Natsu's crazy adventures. What's happening to me? 

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