Chapter 10

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Jackal's POV

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" I screamed as some strange guard brought me todays lunch.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He simply said and threw the plate on the ground in front of me.

"LUCY! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" I grabbed the bars tight and shook them like a mad-man. But the guard just gave me a bored look and sighted.

"Well, she's obviously not here" This only made me more angry than before.


"Or else what?" This damn guy! I'll blow him into pieces. A landmine curse circle appeared under the guards feet. He immediately started trembling though he tried to hide it.

"I'll blow you to pieces" I said in a wicked tone and gave him one of my sadistic smirks. Oh, how I miss blowing people up without a reason.

"She called this morning and said she may be gone for a while. I promise that's all I know" He quickly said. Gone for a while? What could possibly be that important?

"Let me out of here"

"What? I can't-"

"Open the god damn door!" The guard finally moved and quickly opened the cell. I stepped out and looked at him one last time before undoing the landmine and started walking towards the exit.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone about me leaving 'kay?" Was the last thing I said before walking out of the door. Outside the sun shined bright so I placed a hand against my forehead to cover my eyes from the sun.

"I hope you're ready, 'cause here I come!"

Lucy's POV

"AACHOO" Damn this cold. I thought as I reached for another tissue. Thanks to Jackal's little 'prank' yesterday I ended up with this stupid cold. But he'll get his punishment, since he won't have any other choice than eating the prisons 'food'. Hah! Sucker!

I was currently sitting on my couch and watching some strange romance movie on my TV. I didn't have a choice since the remote control was too far away. So the only thing I could do in this situation was watching this boring movie and eating ice cream. Everything was so peaceful until I heard the door being smashed open. What the-!?

"OY! GIRLIE!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Never mind... I rose up from the couch, even though I didn't want to, and wrapped a blanket over my shoulders before heading towards the door. When I reached my destination I was greeted by a very pissed of Jackal.

"Could you please be quiet? You're giving me a headache"

"Huh!? No way! What is this about you leaving for a while!?" Ugh... My head hurts, I definitely didn't think I'd have to go through THIS.

"Well, I took some time of. But why are you even here? You aren't supposed to be outside right?"

"Never mind that. Why do you need time of?" This guy! It's his fault in the first place! I was about to yell at him but suddenly I felt my body weaken and my legs give in. Crap. Then I fell towards the floor, but before I passed out I felt two strong arms wrap around me.


My eyes fluttered open and I found myself laying on my bed. Wait... How did I get here. Was it all just a dream? Thinking it was I turned so that I was laying on my side and what I saw almost made me scream. Jackal were laying beside me on the bed.

"WHA-!? JACKAL WHAT THE HE-?" I didn't have time to finish before Jackal put his arm around my middle and pulled me close.

"Be quiet... Sleepy..." He mumbled. I swear that I blushed 50 shades of red. Our position was so awkward. He hugged me tight like a teddy bear and our legs were tangled together. Jackal seemed to slowly come to his senses.

"What? Girlie what are you doing in my bed?" He groggily asked before yesterdays events came back to him. He started trashing around like an idiot and "accidently" kicked me out of the bed.

"Hey! What was that for!? You're the one who sneaked into my bed!" I screamed at him while he just sat there, trying not to laugh.

"Sorry, but the couch wasn't exactly comfortable" He said while grinning like an idiot and scratching the back of his head. Then don't come here in the first pl- WAIT!?

"Why are you even here! You're a prisoner! A criminal!"

"Yeah, about that... I kind of broke out..." He stated nervously.

"You WHAT!?" How the hell did he manage to break out of there? Even if I'm at home someone else should've been put in charge of him.

"It wasn't that hard. I just threatened the guard and he let me out" Typical...

"It doesn't matter what you did or for what reason. You're going back!" Jackal froze, but quickly snapped out of it and gave me the puppy-eyes.

"But it's lonely without you. You left me all alone with those mean guards" Seriously, it looked like he was about to cry any second now. Either he's hit his head too hard or he's one hell of an actor.

"I'm a guard too. But never mind that, I'll be back in a few days. I'm sick you know?" He studied me closely. I can't believe he didn't notice how warm I was or my red eyes. I must look really-

"Now that you say it. You look awful" Son of a- My thoughts were interrupted by a sneeze. I looked up at Jackal once again and explained the situation.

"I have a cold thanks to your little stunt yesterday. So I have to stay at home for a few days, but soon I'll be back, I promise" I told him and he nodded.

"Okay, I get it"

"Good, now you can leave" I said as I rose from the floor and sat down on the bed once again.

"What!? But I want to stay with you! It's boring in the prison" He begged.

"Well what did you expect? It is a prison. Not some kind of hotel you know?"

"I know that... But it's still empty without you..." I kind of felt sorry for the guy. *sight* I guess I have no choice.

"Then how about I call Levy and ask her to stand in for me while I'm gone? It's better then the other jerks- I mean guards" Jackal thought about it for a while and nodded.

"As long as she keeps her distance and don't order me around I guess I could endure it..."

" Good. Now let's call her shall we?" I grabbed my communication lacrima and dialled Levy's number. It didn't take long until she picked up.

"Hey Lu-chan! What it it?" She asked.

"I wanted to ask you a favor"

"Yeah? What kind of favor?"

"I'd like you to watch over Jackal for me while I'm sick. He broke out and refuses to go back unless he has someone nice to take care of him" I said and got a 'I'm not a kid!' comment from Jackal.

"But, Lu-chan. I work in the councils Custody Enforcement Unit. Is it really okay for me to just step in as a guard?"

"Yeah, you see, the contract I signed when I agreed to this said that if I ever get sick or for some reason can't make it I can just call someone and ask that person to take over"

"Okay, I'll do it. Gajeel won't be happy though, but whatever. I'll head over there immediately, tell him to go back so we can meet up"

"I will" I told her before I hung up and turned towards Jackal.

"Levy agreed, so leave" He looked at me with another sad expression.

"But I'll miss you, and your delicious food" Stupid, food-loving maniac...

"Whatever leave" I strictly said and pointed towards the door, but since he didn't budge I just kicked him out instead and slammed the door afterwards. Finally some peace and quiet. I thought to myself and went to bed once again. I hope they'll be alright.

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