Chapter 9

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Lucy's POV

How did it end up like this? This is hell. My clothes are ruined. My hair is wet. I'm so cold that I can't feel my feet. But the worst thing is probably the drunk demon in front of me that's laughing like crazy at me.


"Jackal, can't we just go to an ordinary restaurant?" I asked as I stared at the building in front of me.

"Huh? But I overheard some of the other prisoners talking about these kind of places. And they said that it was awesome" I don't think they were talking about the bar though.


"No buts, come on" Jackal simply said as he dragged me into the building. The room was full off drunk men and girls who looked for some 'entertainment'. Jackal continued to drag me until we got to the bar.

"Two beer, please" He told the man behind the counter, who nodded before placing two large glasses before us.

"You sure this is a good idea? You haven't had alcohol before right? Are you going to be okay?" I asked as he started drinking.

"Nah, it'll be alright. It can't be that bad now, can it?" He simply stated before continuing to drink. I was never a fan of drinking so I just sat quietly as Jackal started to drink from my glass as well. I looked around but something, or rather someone, caught my eye.

"Cana!" I called, the brunette turned around before throwing herself right at me. I hugged her back.

"Lucy! I didn't know you like to hang out at this place" She said. She smelled like booze but she didn't seem drunk, yet at least.

"Well, not really. I was dragged here" I told her and she got an mischievous look in her eyes.

"So, you've finally got yourself a man, huh? Come on, tell me. Is he hot?" Cana said as she threw an arm over my shoulders.

"What? No, I'm just watching someone for the council" Suddenly she led me to a empty table, away from the rest of the people.

"Huh? Then, who exactly are you watching?" Cana asked, her voice serious.

"Well, you know when we fought against Tartaros?"


"And you know the guy that Natsu and I encountered when we were assigned to protect the former council members?"

"You're watching him!?" She half shouted, but kept her voice down so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. Instead of answering I pointed a finger at Jackal who were currently competing against some of the other guys in a drinking competition. When Cana finally came back to reality she started asking me questions.

"Lucy! That guy is a criminal who has killed hundreds of people, and on top of it he's one of Zeref's demons" It looked like she were about to have a heart attack.

"I know. But if he really were a threat do you really think I would've let him go into the town?" Cana thought about it and finally calmed down. She looked in Jackal's direction once again and took a deep breath.

"Your right, it was stupid of me to lose it like that. So the council dumped their work onto you huh? But since you doesn't see him as a threat then neither do I. Well then, is he any good in bed?" My face blushed fifty shades of red.

"Cana! It's not like that!" She just smirked at me before removing her arm and standing up.

"Right, right. Sorry pal but I have to go" I stood up and gave her a good bye hug before she left. It's nice to see Cana's still the same as ever. Now then, where could that troublemaking demon be- My thoughts were interrupted I looked up only to see Jackal laughing like a maniac.

"What the-? Jackal!" He held tried to hide his laugher as he threw his arm around my shoulders, like Cana had done some time ago.

"Relax girlie. It was only a joke" Jackal said with a strange tone. Oh god, he's drunk. Very drunk. I was about to tell him to let go off me but he interrupted.

"You're beautiful" He said as he kissed my cheek.

"I can understand why the fire bastard were so protective of you. If I were him I would never let you out of my sight" That was the last thing he said before passing out. I sighted. Why me? I thought and started to make my way towards my house. It was already evening and the sun had just started setting. I looked at Jackal's sleeping face. When he's sleeping he kind of looks like a normal human boy. He maybe looks different, but I don't think he's pretty much like a human at heart. Deep down at least. When I reached my house I walked in and dumped Jackal on the couch before going to bed myself. I wonder if he'll be mad at me tomorrow for dumping him on the couch. Nah, probably not.

-End of flashback-

Oh, how wrong I was. When I woke up in the morning I started walking towards the kitchen to make breakfast. But when I opened the bedroom door a bucket full of ice cold water fell down on me. A great way to start your day! Not...

"Bwahahaha! You should see your face right now! It's hilarious!" Jackal laughed as he rolled on the floor.

"You damn dog... LUCY KICK!!" I kicked him right in the head and he flew right into the wall. Damn, now I'll have to carry him all the way back to the prison. Unless... I quickly grabbed my communication lacrima and called Mest.

"Lucy? What's the matter?" He asked as he answered the call.

"Um, nothing special. Just wondering if you could take Jackal back to the prison"

"Huh? Why? Did he cause trouble?" Mest started to get worried. Why? It's not like I'd just let him go on a rampage, I'm at least capable of holding him back.

"No, but he's kind of knocked out. Long story short, bucket, water, laughing, kick" It may not have been a good explanation but Mest nodded anyway before appearing on my doorstep a few seconds later and taking Jackal with him. Oh I'll get my revenge. Just wait until the next time I bring you food. I thought before changing and laying down on my bed. I looked over at the wall at the maps and articles I have put up. I may know the location of some of the former Fairy Tail members but not all of them. I hope that some day we'll all meet again. Suddenly a picture of Jackal flashed through my mind. Maybe you can be a part of it if it happens. I did promise not to leave you.

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