Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV

I watched as Jackal literally threw himself over the food I gave him. It's almost been a week since he broke out and because of that he has to wear handcuffs who has a chain long enough for him to grab the bars. But it's kind of unnecessary since they don't block his curse. I sighted and sat down outside of the cell, even if I wanted to I couldn't go in, 'cause I forgot the key. So I'm just sitting here and watches as Jackal tries to eat normally but the chain gets in his way.

"Damn these chains!" He growled and glared at them. Not that it would help though.

"If you don't like it then why did you have to break out in the first place?"

"Dunno. Fun?" So disturbing me when I FINALLY get a break from all this is fun!? I wish I could just shove that plate he's holding down his throat. Or is that too extreme?

"But now that I think about it... I probably did it because I was bored, and it's fun to mess with you" Nope. Down the throat it is! I was about to scream at him but was interrupted when someone approached and stopped right beside me. Judging by the clothes he's one of the guards who work here.

"Miss Heartfilia?" He asked.

"Yep, that's me. What is it" He gave me a smile. But not a kind smile, it was fake. And before I knew it he had yanked me up and was holding my arms behind my back with a iron grip.

"LUCY!" Jackal screamed as he gripped the bars in an attempt to get out.

Jackal's POV

Dammit! Why is this happening!? I thought as I watched the guard from a week ago, I think a week has gone by... Focus! I growled and glared daggers at the man in front of me.

"Well, well. What do we have here. I see that the council has finally put you on a leash. About time if you ask me. At least now I don't have to worry about that strange power of yours" What is he talking abou-Oh? He thinks I can't use my curse power with these chains.

"Hm? Yeah, they thought it would make me more cooperative. But now then, what do you want?" I asked, trying to play dumb. To be honest I already knew why he was here. I overheard two of the other guards talking about how obedient I've become after Lucy became my guard. They also said something about me being a lovesick puppy as well but were interrupted when a plate 'mysteriously' exploded in the kitchen. Oops?

"Don't play dumb! Why are you acting like a normal person around this... this GIRL!?" Mistake one "I mean she's not even CUTE!" Mistake two "I bet you bang her every night and that's the whole reason you put up with her!" Mistake three. Nice knowing yah buddy.


"So... Do I even want to know why I just found one of the guards in an empty cell covered In black paint, beaten half to death and is begging to god for mercy?" Mest asked as he approached us. I was currently sitting in front of the bars inside my cell and Lucy was sitting in the same place as before the 'incident'.

"What guard?" Lucy asked as she tried to sound innocent. Key word 'tried'.

"It's nothing... But you do know what day it is tomorrow right?" He asked Lucy.

"Yeah, and I've made up my mind" She answered. What day is it tomorrow? Is it important? Probably...

Lucy's POV

"What's happening tomorrow?" Jackal asked. Crap. He's not supposed to know yet! Think Lucy! Think!

"Um... Nothing special... It's... Mest's birthday! Yes! Mest's birthday!" I quickly and tried my best to smile an convincing smile. Please be stupid enough to believe this!

"Oh. In that case happy birthday, or whatever" He said, clearly not interested.

"Well, either way" I turned my attention back to Mest when he started talking. "Make sure to fill the papers in time. See you tomorrow" He said before he left.

"Well, I guess that's my que to leave" I told Jackal before standing up and started walking towards the exit. He's in for one hell of a surprise. I can't wait! It'll make us even, after he helped me get over my self abuse.

-Time skip- Next day~

Today's the day! I thought happily as I walked through the prisons doors.

"Good morning miss.Heartfilia" A guard greeted me. Which I responded with a "Good morning!" before hurrying towards Jackal's cell.

"You're early"

"Yeesh, nice to see you too" I said before opening the cell and taking of his handcuffs.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Taking you out for a stroll. Now, shut up and stay still" The cuffs made a clinking noise as they hit the ground. When Jackal was free from the cuffs. And after some complaining. I grabbed his hand and began leading him towards the exit.

"Hey! What the hell! Where are we going!?" The loudmouth behind me screamed. I didn't answer, instead I ignored him and continued to drag him. Once we were outside I let him go and positioned myself in front of him.

"Now, before you open that obnoxious mouth of yours again. I have to tell you something" I said seriously.


"I've got a new job for Sorcerers Weekly. And I'm starting tomorrow" I told him and before I knew it he had pinned me to a tree behind me and was glaring daggers at me.

"So what you're saying, is that you're going to leave me!? How could you!? YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T!" He screamed and my arms that he were holding lit up.

"I know. And I won't, because you'll come with me" The circles on my arms disappeared and Jackal watched me with a confused expression as he took a step back.

"I wanted to surprise you, so I made Mest promise me not to tell you anything. You're free, when I agreed on becoming your guard the paper I signed said that I was going to be the one to chose what would happen to you when I quit. And this is my choice, to take you with me on an adventure you'll never forget" I told him as I stretched out my hand towards him.

"But... I'm an enemy... A criminal... So why? Why are you doing this?" Jackal asked as he looked ready to cry. No matter how hard I've tried, I could never see Jackal as a bad person. Sure, he acted tough. But when I got to know him better I realized that he only did that because he was lonely. Deep inside, he's just as human as the others in Fairy Tail. So I'm going to show him, that not everything is solved through violence.

I watched as Jackal hesitated before taking my hand and giving me a smile.

"If it's with you, then I would do anything" I got so happy that I couldn't hold it in any longer. I lunged at him and gave him a bone crushing hug. But I had to let go when I realized he couldn't breath.

"Sorry. And, thank you" I said as I pressed my lips against his.

After that Jackal moved in with me and helped out around time to make some extra money. I accepted the job at Sorcerers Weekly and finally got the job as a reporter. Everything is peaceful and perfect. But what I didn't know then, was that a certain someone from my past was going to come back into my life. My adventure is not over yet. And I know, that this time, I'll have my little demon with me. I owe him at least that much. Since he was, my savior. 

The End! <3

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