Is It To Late Now To Say Sorry?

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Hey guys just wondering if you like this book so far. It's my second book I've written so far.

Plz read my first book and tell me what you think, I need feedback. Thx love you all

Kisses and warm hugs

- T xoxo

Is It To Late Now To Say Sorry (See what I did there hehe)

Blake's POV

"Why can't I touch you?" I asked looking at her beauty


"Because what?" as I stared straight into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Because..." she pausing for a few seconds and then answered. "....because I have a boyfriend." What she has a boyfriend. No way not that quick, but I'll play along with this.

"What's his name?"

"Niall Horan" she blurted out without thinking.

"Oh him" why would she say his name. That little punk.

She ran out of the stall and left me there to think up a little plan. A plan to make her want me not that no good for nothing punk face of a Irishman.

Niall's POV

At lunch time I was just thinking about Lex, that's what I'm going to call her now, and what happened yesterday in my apartment. It was stupid to do what I did. I saw lex with kim. On of the cheerleaders. She and a few other girls were nicer than Brittany and her band of clowns. I decided to ask for her forgiveness. I stood up and walked towards her table. As I was getting closer she got up and walked out of the cafeteria and out in the hall. I followed right behind her. I got to the hallway and say that she was gone. How could she disappear that fast.

.......After School......

After school I took a walked in the park to clear my mind. I saw lex sitting on a bench eating ice cream. I walked towards her. She saw me and our eyes met. I love they way she has her beautiful brown hair down blow in the wind, her brown eyes sparkling in the sun and her plump full lips. I sat down bedside her. We just sat there in silent till we both spoke the same time.

"You first" lex giggled. Her sweet laugh can but me in a trance.

"I'm sorry what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to-" she cut me off

"Can we talk about something else than that please. I just-" she stopped and took a deep breath. "-don't want my brother to find out. He's always been over protective of me. The last I kissed a guy and my brother found out about it and he punched him saying 'the next time I see you touching my sister I'll kill you' and I never say him again"

Wow. Didn't know he was that protective.

"Is it to late now to say Sorry?" I questioned. (See what i did there)

"No. Your forgiven"

"Good" I sighed and ate the last bit of Lexi's ice cream cone, sinced she was full.

Ok I'm thinking to do a dirty imagine with One Direction and the first one to guess my favorite color will get the first imagine dedicated to them.

I need a good cover with all five boys in it. If someone want to do a cover for me your welcome to do it and I'll give you all the for the cover. But if you all want to make one I'll choose the best one.

So......hows the book

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Warm hugs and wet kisses

- T xxxxoo

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