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KK POV (Karina Kennedy Kinderson)

I knew it was only a matter of time before he found me here. I opened the door of the cramped closet.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, Karina."My dad squealed.

I heard his footsteps along with sounds of the iron. I had no other choice but to go outside. The front door was only three feet away. Ever since I was nine, my dad would beat on me. My brother would just watch. They took advantage of me. No, never once touched my areas but they did other things those stories will be kept for another time. Right now all I could think about was getting away.The front door was already unlocked, all I had to do was open it and run. So I took my chance. As soon as he found me, I kicked him right where it hurts. He fell to the floor, dropping the iron in the process. I quickly stepped over him, swung open the door and ran out into the cold. December was rolling in fast and snow piled in on the streets of Delaware. I trudged through the snow in my black and pink high heels boots. At least my feet were happy because the rest of my body wasn't. I only had on a pink Nike jacket, a shirt, jeans and the boots and my curly hair was up into a ponytail.

"Get back here you stupid bitch."I heard my brother scream, but I kept on.I can't go back now. It was too late for that. I kept running through the snow, occasionally bumping into mailboxes or falling. I saw a light. It was very bright, it was a flashlight phone a phone. Just as I noticed the flashlight I bumped into something hard.

"Whoa, mama, what'chu doin' out hea' in the cold?" Someone asked. The guy helped me up from the ground. I dusted the snow off of myself while breathing hard.

"Nothing. Just my daily run."

"In the cold? At night? What are you really out hea fa?"

"Just running. No biggie."

"Get back here, you slut."my brother called.

Without letting the guy say something else, I took off running again.

"Wait."he yelled after me. I picked up the pace, running faster and faster by the second. When I was pretty sure I was safe, I sat down on a snow-covered bench and took my ass to sleep hoping not to freeze to death.

The Next Day

My eyes fluttered open, I sat up and looked around. The snow here in Delaware was clearing up, it was easy for me to walk without leaving foot prints. I noticed there was a huge fluffy comforter on me with a note attached to it.

Meet me on 140 N. Sandusky street. Go to the big black building, find a buzzer and ask for Fizz.

I folded the comforter the best way I could. As I began walking snow started to fall again. I stepped onto a clear pavement pathway and walked up to the building.Like I was supposed to, I found a buzzer, pressed the red button and a man started talking.

"James speakin', how can I assist you?" The guy asked.

"Hi, um... I'm lookin' for a guy named Fizz."

"What's ya' name?"

"Karina, or KK. As most people call me. "

"So you one of his hoes?"

I was a little taken back by that comment. I didn't even know this Fizz person, how am I supposed to be one of his hoes? That doesn't make any type of sense.

"I am not a hoe, and I certainly ain't his so you can gone somewhere wit' that."

"Whoa, now. I didn't mean to offend you."the man chuckled.

"Tell Fizz to come out here."


I waited, tapping my feet, I began to grow impatient.

Fizz POV

"Aye, Fizz. Some hoe outside askin' fa ya. And she sound angry."

I chuckled. "A'ight."I said back. That must be the girl I ran into last night. I made my way outside to see a thick girl with long curly hair. She was holding my folded comforter.

"Here... Fizz."I heard her say in an angelic voice, but I was too busy staring at something else. I took the fluffy blanket from her. "Um... Thank you."she muttered. She turned to walk away. "Aye, hol' up, shawty."I spoke looking up to her face.

"What?" The woman said. "Whoa now! Don't catch no attitude wit' me."I warned.

"Well it seems as if your interested in something else, mister. "

"Oh really."

She nodded. "So I'ma just go."She started to walk away.I grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me.

"Don't touch me."she yanked her wrist back. I was a little taken back by that. Any other bitch would melt if I touched them, you know? 'Cause I'm famous, handsome and all that other shit people use to refer to me. Just to test her, I put my hands on both of her shoulders. "Keep your hands off me."

"Why you actin' like this?"

"You, "she pushed her pointer finger into my chest. "Don't know me. "she finished.

"I don't gotta know you. Just let me do what I gotta do."I bit my lip while staring at her ass again. She scoffed. "You are a fuckboy. " This time she walked away, quickly. "Got damn."I mumbled watching her ass cheeks sway. "I never got your name, lil momma."

Instead of answering me, she kept straight. Instead of going after her, I went back in the studio. She ain't seen the last of me.

I know where she stay...

950 words.

First chapter down. A lot more to go, hopefully.




C. Baby

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