3- Silent Treatment

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Karina POV

I laid in the bed, barely able to move. KySean was sleeping- snoring at that.

Flashbacks of last night, ran through my mind. I don't feel pretty anymore.

I got up slowly, grabbing onto things as I walked down the hall and into my old room. I locked the door, grabbed some clothes and went to take my shower. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin tone flushed red. KySean had no right to do this to his own sister- only sister, at that. And I was going to get my revenge. One way or the other. After my shower I put on a pair of dark colored jeans, an all white shirt and my white converse high- top shoes. I grabbed a duffel bag out of the closet and started throwing random things in it. After zipping it up, I threw it over my shoulder.

I had to take the easy way out, so instead of going out the front door, I opened my window stepped out into bushes, put the window back down and carefully made my way out of the bushes. I ran down the street at a fast past, the bag hitting against my knees as I ran.

"Why you always running these streets?" He asked.

Instead of answering the question, I kept going. If I wanted to get out of Delaware then I was going to have to run until I couldn't run any longer.

I knew he was following me, I felt his presence.

"Godamn, why won't you answer a nigga?"he asked, stopping to catch his breath. I waited for him, giving him an unreadable look. I felt safe in his presence, but I was not going to tell him what happened not even thirty six hours ago. I was going to let him figure it out on his own.

When he stood, we started walking again. When we got to the borders of Delaware, Fizz stopped me.

"Why you leavin' Delaware?" He asked. At this moment in time, I knew i had to talk.

"All my life I had to fight. I'm tired of fighting, so I'm leaving Delaware. Besides, Delaware never did anything good for me in the past three years. Goodbye, "I left him there, speechless.

I gave the man my passport card and he gave it back to me a few minutes later.

Four Years Later
Fizz POV

Damn, it's been a minute since I heard from ole girl. Her last words still replay in my mind. I try to forget bout Karina, buy it all just comes back to me. When I wake up, I hear her voice from the first time we spoke, when I go to sleep I hear the voice of her last words. It's been like that for the past four years. I use hoes, just to try and get Karina out of my head. It never works. I wish I could've stopped her from crossing out of Delaware, but something told me not to. I guess I just thought she would come back for me, although she never did and she never will.

Karina POV

Here I am, out here in Pennsylvania. There's not really much to tell, except that I have a job at a law firm. I'm actually working on a case right now. Other than that, I have a boring life. My friend, Jazmin, is always out with her boyfriend. Me and her aren't really friends anyway, just acquaintances. I don't tell her my deepest and darkest secrets, and she doesn't tell me hers, ya know.

I heard that there'd be a concert here, over at the stadium on Havice Valley RD. Although I didn't know who was performing i was really contemplating on if I was still going to go. I had my reasons. If I didn't go it'd be a waste of money because I already purchased a ticket. I didn't want to work on this case, I didn't want to be cooped up into this house, and I was bored. I hear the concert starts at ten thirty and it's only nine thirty, so I decided to get a move on it. I took a shower, then went in my closet.

I put on a white lace two piece dress, white heels to match and straightened my hair. By the time I was done, it was 10:20 and the concert was a few minutes away. Grabbing my keys and phone, I walked out of the house, locked the door and got in my car- a gold BMW M4 to be exact. The law firm I worked for paid good money. I went to the stadium and found a parking spot, parked and got out. After showing my ticket and ID, I made my way inside, seeing that it was packed. Most of the girls here were wearing little to no clothing, so for me to be wearing a two piece lace dress was okay.There was a bar, but you know, I'm cheap so I brought my own smoothie. As the lights dimmed down and a familiar voice filled my ears I made my way to the front.

"Ya' know, I say this message everywhere I stopped but listen... There's this girl I met four years ago. Well she ain't a girl no'mo', she a woman. A chocolate-skinned, long black haired woman. And even though she knew who I was, she ain't give tha' pussy up. That's what I liked about ha'. I'm just hoping that I can find her again, you know?, and rekindle the love I had fa ha."he spoke.

It was then that I saw who the familiar voice belonged to...

952 words.

Any thoughts?




C. Baby

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