9- Back To Work

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Karina POV

"You lookin' hella fine, right now."Dreux uttered as I put on my heels. "Thank you,"I replied as I pulled the ponytail from my hair letting it fall out of its messy bun. I made my way to the bathroom and combed through my real 26" black curly hair as I straightened it, letting it hang for today. I sprayed on some perfume and went back into the bedroom. I threw my phone, wallet, and other important things into my black purse as I positioned it under my arm.

"You gone gimme a kiss or what?" Dreux asked sitting up on the bed. I leaned down to kiss him as he wrapped his arms over my waist pulling me down on top of him. He flipped us over as he dry humped me through our clothes. I couldn't help but laugh as I pushed him off of me. "I have to get to work, baby."I stood up and fixed my dress, as we shared another kiss. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my lunchbox as well as my car keys and headed out.

I got into my car and drove in silence to the Lawfirm and went to the front desk. After clocking in, I went to my very own office and took a seat at my desk while taking out papers from my case. I've been working here at the CGA LawFirm for two years now, and when I got my office I knew I had to decorate it to make it be my second home. It had blue wallpaper, and a black couch by the window. I got my notebook ready as well as other stuff I may need. While pulling out a file, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."I yelled. The door opened, revealing my next client as the client walked in and took a seat in front of me. Due to the interesting file, I didn't have time to look up. Apparently, he is being accused of rape.

"Your being accused of rape." I stated as I looked up. It was him.

I felt the urge to scream my ass off, but instead I kept my composure. "Why you say it like that?" He asked.

"Because I'm not surprised that your being accused of this."

"Bitch, shut up and help me get out of this."

"Get out of my office then."

He got up and came around to my side, yanking me up from my chair by my shoulders as he slammed me against the wall.

"It's been a while since I've had some good ass pussy. Four years from you."

"Don't do this, KySean."I pleaded.

"Shut up, I got you now."he laughed evilly as he unclothed himself. I ran towards the door, as he chased me. Right when the door opened, it slammed shut closing my right hand in the door. I screamed in pain as I yanked it out of the doorway as KySean locked the door.

"Look, we can do this easy way or the hard way. Just let me do what I gotta do and i'ma dash."he towered over me as I looked up to him as he ripped my dress off of me leaving me in my bra and panties as well as my heels.
"You lucky I ain't sue your dumb ass before. "I spat as we began fighting. He may have been able to get to me easier back then, but I've grown up and I have to fight for myself if no-one else will. He managed to get on top of me, so I stopped trying because I knew I was going to lose in the end.

Soon, we were both naked and he was using me as I screamed for him to stop as tears fell down my face.

"Yo' lil boyfriend can't do this, can he?" He asked. When I didn't respond he smacked me as he began throwing blows to my face as well as other parts of my body as I yell in pain. He threw me onto the floor and began kicking me in my side. My eyes shut as I heard him shuffling around as I felt another kick. I heard the door open, and it slammed a few seconds later.

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