5. The Tour

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*Special mention to HopeToHoldOn for making this amazing banner!*

Happy reading

Mals x

"Your turn, kid, obviously!" says Max, as I'm freaking out. I'm the last initiate to jump, and I'm a little terrified to do so. But then, everyone else already has, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?

I just close my eyes and jump, thinking of everything except what's actually happening, and put my arms to my side pretending to be a bird swooping down. But everyone knows I can't be a bird, just a pumpkin.

I land with a thud, or so I think, until I open my eyes and see that I've fallen onto a huge net. There are many arms reaching out, and I take my pick. The hand that I hold onto, apparently also has a body attached to it.

Yes, I'm now officially delirious.

Anyway, I clutch the arm tightly until the person hauls me out onto solid ground. I turn around to see the face of this person, my head still slightly dizzy. It is a woman; one with a mature face and three silver rings through her right eyebrow.

She smiles. "You're the last jumper," she informs me. I grunt.

"What's your name?" she asks me.

"Al," I manage to croak out. "What's yours?"

"Lauren," she smiles.

The dauntless crowd behind her is celebrating, for what reason, I'm unsure of. I smirk back at her and let go of Lauren's hand. I leave her behind and join the crowd of initiates, to find Christina.

She looks over at me and rambles; "Hey Al! How was the jump? Dauntless is amazing right? Their enthusiasm is infectious, and it feels exhilarating." And, just to prove her point, she jumps up and down on her toes and pumps her fist in the air; for no obvious reason, again. I'm quite baffled, to be really honest.

I smile at her indulgently, just like I would to an over-enthusiastic child.

She tells me, "Okay, Al! Stop sniffling about and do this with me." And I bob up and down on my toes twice, before she laughs and leaves me standing there, only to go trouble someone else.


Apparently, there are two instructors. One of them is Four, a guy just a couple of years elder than us, and the other is Lauren. Lauren is for the Dauntless-born initiates, while Four is the instructor for the transfers.

We split up into two groups, and Four leads the way out, for us initiates. Christina has already gotten into a spot of trouble for making these typical Candor comments about Four's name, and about The Pit, where he's about to take us to. He shut her down, saying he didn't like to put up with smart-mouths. I realize I'd do well to keep my mouth shut, and just follow his lead.

Everything about Dauntless is black. The walls, clothes, even the atmosphere. There's not a spot of color in the whole place.

In Candor, we believed that it was necessary to see both sides of a story- the black, as well as the white. However, it seems as though Dauntless only goes with a single side- just the dark.

I'm pretty sure the setting is meant to intimidate, but I'm not too fazed by it. As we're approaching The Pit, I hear whispers behind me.

"Are you sure we made the right choice, Eddie?" says a girl's voice.

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