7. Friendship and Frigidity

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"Faster, faster!" shouts Eric.

I huff in exasperation, my feet taking me only in the pace twice more than I'm originally accustomed to. Dauntless is nothing but torture to my legs, and I'm sure I've probably run a thousand times more in this past week, than I ever did in my entire life, back in Candor.

"Everybody must run up to the edge of the field. Last person to do so, will either be shot, or made Factionless, depending on your relative speed. Give it all you've got!" says Four.

I run with everything I've got. I'm far behind most initiates. When I come to a stop near the fence, though, I'm the last person to reach.

Right before me, however, is the stiff.

She looks at me with wide eyes, and a little sympathy. A week of Dauntless training hasn't hardened her, after all.

Eric comes to a stop right after me, and says, "Okay, buffoon, have you decided what you're going to do? Get shot in the head, or become Factionless?" I gulp as I turn to face him.

"He shall do neither," says a determined, yet kind voice behind me. I turn back around to see the Stiff with her hands on her hips.

"You were the one who was last. You came after Al! You shan't determine who gets shot in the head and who doesn't. if anything, you, the slow-coach, should be made Factionless," she adds.

Eric and she have a stare-off before Eric, who cannot control the fire in her eyes anymore, looks away eventually and spits out, "Watch your back, Stiff!"

She looks at me, petrified, though the fire in her eyes haven't doused. I give her a weak smile and tell her, "I'm there for you now. There is nothing we can't get through, trust me." And then, all of a sudden, her face turns into Mir's.

Mir asks me, "Have I been thoroughly forgotten? Tell me, Al, I've been replaced, haven't I?"

I can't bring myself to reply to that, since I know it is true, that she has been replaced, in a matter of mere hours.

I watch helplessly, as a tear drops down on her cheek.


"Wake up, Al!" a familiar voice sounds. I open my eyes groggily and turn around to see a radiant Christina.

She looks around the room to see that nobody is looking. I look around, too. It is safe to assume that nobody's eyes are on us.

She hisses to me, "Quick, Al! Just, take no offence, but we are going to have to pretend that we were never friends before; that we never knew each other in Candor. It is for the best, just don't ask why. You will understand later. Okay?"

"Great, got it!" I reply. "What's the name of your friend?" I ask, on an impulse.

"Tris," she replies, her eyes narrowing. "Why?"

"I just asked," I say. "So, are we going to start a brand new friendship here?"

"Yes, starting today. Sit with us at breakfast. Just act cool. We'll hit it off, I'm sure. Are you okay, though? You look like shit."

Right then, I know she's referring to my loud bawling last night. I manage to muster a smile and say, "Totally." She seems unconvinced, though, as she gives me one last glance and walks away, to get changed.

I want to ponder over the whole "pretend" thing, but I decide not to. It's all for the best, really.

Also, I try to avert my face from all the girls changing in the same room as us, unlike certain other boys, such as Peter, which comes off as no surprise, really.

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