6. No Control

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*Picture of Mirabelle, played by Izabella Miko*


"One, chapter a day, means the Writing block is away"


You're getting an Al-Mir moment in this chapter. And I just wanted to melt. Al's being the big guy, both literally as well as figuratively.

Listen to "I know you" by Skyler Grey while reading Transfer Tales. You'd probably do the same "reading between the lines" things as I do, then, I suppose.

Okay, so I posted two chapters in two days, and I consider this some kind of record. What am I getting in return? Votes, maybe? Haha

Sorry about the rambling. I just love my (albeit handfull) readers

Happy Reading,

Mals xo


"The second purpose," Eric says, "is that only the top ten initiates are made members."

My whole being freezes. It is as though I didn't hear this when he said it. I was too busy watching her: the stiff.

But now, as though in extremely slow motion, everything that he said comes back to me. All I want to do is sit in a corner, and cry my heart away. I feel helpless now. If all this is competition, I doubt I will be making any friends, anyone for that matter. We will all just be competition to one another; nothing less, nothing more; maybe also enemies.

I can almost imagine the look on Peter's face; all evil, just like Eric.

All too soon, Christina opens her mouth, "What?"

Then, the brief silence in the room breaks.

There are eleven Dauntless-borns, and nine of you," Eric continues. "Four initiates will be cut at the end of stage one. The remainder will be cut after the final test."

I cannot bring myself to look up at that smirking devil, Eric. Maybe I wasn't actually ready for this new life; for Dauntless. I should have stayed back in my familiar surroundings at Candor, and not changed a single thing.

But the thing is, I wasn't good enough for Candor either. If I were to be a member, I'd have had to sit through lie detector tests all day, for several weeks, during initiation. I'd have possibly not survived that either. Then I'd become a Factionless.

Dauntless, I had thought, was the best bet for me. With a big body like mine, I'd have been too intimidating for Amity, too rough for Abnegation, and too stupid for Erudite.

But now, I'm not so sure. What are the odds that I'd even make it to the top ten? It was a fifty-fifty chance. Was I willing to take the risk? Well, I had to. Whether I did or not, I'd become Factionless anyway.

"What do we do if we're cut?" Peter says. "You leave the Dauntless compound," says Eric indifferently, "and live Factionless."

This time I clamp my hand over my mouth to stop myself from wailing.

Myra too, like me, clamps her hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. "But that's not... fair! If we had known..." Molly protests, only to be cut off by Eric.

"Are you saying that if you had known t his before the Choosing Ceremony, you wouldn't have chosen Dauntless?" Eric snaps. "Because, if that's the case, you should get out now. If you are really one of us, it won't matter to you that you might fail. And if it does, you are a coward." Eric pushes the door to the dormitory open. "You chose us," he says. "Now we have to choose you."

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