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Ariana's pov

Every boy in the room started laughing, some were on the floor rolling, and the rest were crying because of all the laughing. Why are they laughing? What does Jake mean by newest member? I stood there looking at all of them like they were crazy. I turned to Jake and he had a hard glare in his face," Hey!what do y'all think is funny huh?" He asked all the boys. All of them quickly stood up straight and wiped their eyes. "Oh um you're serious boss?" One of the muscular twins asked. "Yes Justin I'm serious she's ours now" Jake said with a straight face. "Um excuse me but I'm nobody's" I told Jake with a nervous face. He smirked and said, "that's not what your parents said." I just looked at him with a sad face and my eyes started to water. "Shit I'm sorry, I swear I d-" I cut him off by putting my hand up and said " no it's okay your right either way" All the boys started at me with smiles in their faces. "I'm Jackson, this is my twin Justin" one of the twins said pointing at the other twin. " I'm Grayson and this is my twin Ethan" the other pair of twins said. " I'm Ray, and this is my best friend Greg" a very cute guy said pointing to a guy with blond hair. "As you already met us I'm Max and this is Austin" Max said pointing at Austin. I smiled at all of them and said "I'm Ariana" They all nodded and mumbled that I had a pretty name. I blushed and put my head down cause I mean come on all these guys were greek gods foreal. Jake coughed loudly to get all of out attention and all our heads snapped up to him. "I'm going to show Ariana where she'll be sleeping I'll see you all right now". Before anyone could answer he started walking up the stairs,there were 3 floors, I quickly followed him and we got to the second floor but he kept going upstairs but not before I got to see where each boy's room was, once we reached the third floor there was a living room and a hallway. We went to the hallway and there was two rooms. "This is your room and the one across is mine, make yourself at home" he said before he went back downstairs. I opened the door to my 'room' and the first thing I saw was the dark grey walls, just how I like it. I saw my king-sized bed with black sheets, the curtains for the window were black also, there was a big white beanbag in the floor across the room and the walk in closet. I don't even know why it was there because I only have like six pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans, one pair of shoes, my bras, and underwear. I went to my restroom and saw all the toiletries I needed. I walked back out and went downstairs. They were all watching what seemed like a scary movie , I didn't want to bother them so I quietly made my way next to the couch and sat down in the floor. After about and hour of watching the movie I was quietly cuddled up into a ball because I was scared, literally this movie was the scariest shit I've ever seen.  And for my first movie it sure was going to leave a memory. All of a sudden this thing pops up in the tv and "AAAHHH!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All the boys head snapped in my direction taking out some guns from their back waistband. I quickly put my hands up in surrender and said, " please don't kill me I already tried to get killed today and I don't want to die please" I closed my eyes waiting for them to fire their guns. "Shit Ariana you scared us, we aren't going to kill you dummy" Grayson said with a chuckle. My face started heating up and I quickly put my head down I mumbled a sorry and Ethan came and gave me a hug with a kiss at the top of my head then "Group Hug!" Greg screamed and they all came and squished me. "G-uys cc-an't br-eath" I tried to get out and all of them let me go. Once I got my breath back I giggled and sat back down in the floor. Jake hadn't hugged me though, instead he had a cold glare in his face. I was scared to be honest. "Um Jake can you explain to me what I'm the newest member of because honestly I have no idea" I said trying to make the awkwardness go away. His face suddenly turned into a huge smirk and said, "Well Ariana your our newest member to The Kings" Jake answered. "The Kings? Who's that?" "Our Gang"  what?

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