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Ariana's pov

"Ariana shoot him" my dad demanded from besides me. I had the gun in my shaking hands but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "N-no dad I-I c-can't I-I L-ove h-him" my hands were shaking uncontrollably. "Fucking do it Ariana look what he did to our family! If you don't fucking shoot him I will fucking shoot you! Do it! NOW!" I looked at my father now with a look of disgust and said "look at what he did to our family?, please look at what you and mother did to me" I was now pointing the gun at him. "A-Ariana please think at what you're about to do, you don't want to do this" "Oh but I should've done this a long time ago" and Bang! "Aaaahhhhhhh" I screamed. I was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. I was panting hard,  sweating like crazy, and a few tears in my eyes.  "Ariana???!!!" Jake came in with a gun in his hand and he was shirtless. God help me. He looked at me and sighed hard. His faced softened and when he saw me crumbled up in a ball. "W-what's wrong, Ariana?" Jake asked with concern in his face. "N-nothing just a nightmare, I'm sorry" I said and put my head down. He put his gun in my nightstand and put his arms around me and brought me closer. I stiffened at his touch but eventually relaxed. It's ok Ariana, I'm here"  he laid us down in my bed and put the sheets over us. I don't know if he liked this or not but I did. After about half an hour later Jake was asleep with his muscular arm around my waist. I couldn't go back to sleep so when the clock hit seven I quietly got his arm off of me and went to my restroom. I did all the morning things and headed downstairs. No one was awake so I decided to make breakfast, I got all the things to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. After I finished with everything one by one all the boys came downstairs and when they saw what I had made their eyes went wide and said a quick "you're my lifesaver , thanks Ariana" and gave me a small peck in the cheek. Jake was the last to come downstairs and once he saw everyone and everything I had done he smiled, the first real smile I had witnessed. He said a "thank you" and sat down to eat. Once everyone was sat down and eating I got some fruit from the fridge and began to cut some for me. "Um Ariana, aren't you going to eat pancakes?, if there aren't anymore you could have mine" Justin said from where he was sitting. I chuckled and said "No thank you Justin I'm fine with the fruit" he smiled and went back to eating. I felt someone starring at me and my eyes met some dark brown ones. Jake. He smiled, I returned it, and went back to cutting my fruit. Once we were all done we went to the living room and began to watch tv. I remembered that I needed some of my clothes so "um Jake? Can I go get the rest of my clothes from my house" I asked Jake. He looked at me with a neutral face and said "no Ariana I already told you we'll be going to the store later" "But I don't have any money to buy stuff" I looked down embarrassed. "Ariana I have money, and a lot, so don't worry okay" "But-" "No buts" with that I just nodded still embarrassed and went back to watching tv.

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