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Jake's pov

I fucked up, bad. I was asking myself why the hell I did that. I wasn't supposed to hit her! I promised her I wouldn't hit her again! I'm such a fuck up, Austin just got me so mad and Ariana put more fire to this and I don't know what came over me but I fucking had to slap her. "You fucking dick head! Why the fuck did you slap her!!!" Ethan shouted pacing back and forth. "I don't know, I really don't" I mumbled and put my head down. "You fucked yourself up Jake" her words kept repeating in my head. I did fuck myself up. I started sleeping with girls because I started getting feelings for Ariana the day I saw her. I didn't want to get feelings for her. I couldn't get feelings for her or she'll get hurt. Every gang in this world wants me dead and if they find out that Ariana is my weakness they'll try and get her. All the guys were looking at me with a look of disgust. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" I mumbled again. All their faces went from angry to shocked. "Is the Jake Sanders saying sorry?"  Ray asked with a smirk. "I think he is. He must really like her to say sorry cause he never says sorry. To anyone." Greg said with a smirk also. "Shut up" I grumbled. "Jake like Ariana, Jake likes Ariana" they all started to shout and did a dance. I rolled me eyes at their immaturity. "Well you better try really hard and stop sleeping with girls if you want to get her, cause you really fucked up" Austin said with a glare. "I know" I said and went upstairs to my room to sleep.

I slept for almost all day and when I woke up it was 11pm. I walked downstairs expecting to see Ariana but she wasn't there. "Guys where is Ariana?" I asked rubbing my eyes. They all turned to me with worried faces. "She hasn't came back Jake" Grayson said. Where the hell is she? Is she okay? What if they took her? "Have y'all looked for her?" I asked. "Yes but she's nowhere Jake" Max said with a glare. "This is all your fault Jake if you hadn't slapped her she would've still been here" Ethan shouted. I looked down because he was right. "I'm going to take a look around here to see if she's around, who's coming?" Jackson said. We all rushed to the Range Rover and the SUV.  We separated, got in the trucks, and drove off. I hope we find her.

Ariana's pov

I had been walking for hours now. I was cold, hungry, and sleepy. I was planning on going back to Jakes mansion but I decided against it cause what happened today and I kind of forgot the way there. Haha, how embarrassing. As I was walking in the sidewalk. No cars were out. It was creeping me to be honest. I felt someone following me but when I turned around there was no one. I felt it again and when I turned around there were about five guys there looking at me with evil smirks. I turned back around and was about to run when one of them grabs me and slams me to the floor. God that hurt. "We know you work for Jake, and this is just a little lesson to tech him to not mess with us" before I could even ask what the hell he was talking about one of them punched me in the stomach making me loose all the air I had. They started kicking me, punching me, slapping me, and one of them even slammed my head in the pavement. I was coughing up blood and there was blood all over my body and around it. "S-stop p-please" I begged. "Sorry sweetheart but we don't like to be messed with and Jake messed with us and our gang" they smirked and kept hitting me. Once I was almost passed out one of them crunched down to my level and whispered in my ear, "tell Jake he messed with the wrong people" With that I blacked out.

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