Abuse Me

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"You witnessed your home being burned down."


Dr. Hudson took his glases off and rubbed his eyes. "What about the fact your parents were killed by it."

Anastasia shrugged.

He placed his glasses back on his face and narrowed his eyes. "Anastasia. Be honest with me."

The image of two nights ago came fresh to Anastasia. Her mother and father downstairs laughing at the tv that wasn't on. Her... somewhere where she could see hear. What happened next was a blur but, she remembered seeing other people in her home also. The last thing she recalled was the flames and how Kenny kept telling her how to get out alive.

She appeared disconnected for a few minutes then spoke, "I am. Im not upset."

He glared at her a while longer then read a few papers. "It says here your Aunt is taking custody of you?"

"It appears so." Anastasia frowned small.

"If theres anything bothering you, you can always tell me. Alright?"

"Alright." Ana stood along with him and he fished out a business card. 'Child and Teen Psychologist'.

"He thinks your a freak." Kenny laughed into her ear and she cringed.

"Allow me to walk with you down to your Aunt." Dr.Hudson opened the door and walked behind Anastasia.

"Ana!" Her Aunt threw her heavy arms around her shoulders. She appeared to have been crying.

"I'm alright." Ana hugged her back and smiled. They parted and Dr. Hudson cleared his throat. "Hello, I'm her therapist, Dr. Christian Hudson and- uh. Ana cpuld you give us a second?"

"Sure." She went and took a seat on a leather couch in the waiting room and flipped through a magizine. "He's pretty hot right?"

"I hadn't noticed." Ana looked up only to realize she was in the waiting room alone. She hated when Kenny did that. It made her feel more 'crazy'.

"Yeah you did." He appeared next to her and had a smug grin.

She looked at him and thrn back down. Her wrist held a deep wound with thirty stitched on them. Done by herself but they blamed it on the fire.

She let out a sigh of relief as her aunt returned. "We can go now."

"Finally." Ana stood and walked with her Aunt having normal conversation. She passed her therapist once again and he smiled. "Goodbye Anastasia."


"Your going to have weekly therapy if thats alright."

"What?" Anastasia strapped herself into the seatbelt.

"Its not good for you to bottle these emotions up Ana." Her aunt frowned.

"Im not. I just dont feel the need to cry. Their dead. I can move on with life." Anastasia picked her nails.

Her Aunt once again frowned and her eyes watered. "You can stop trying to be strong. Its okay to cry alright?"

"I know."

The car was silent as it pulled off and onto thr highway.

"You know you can call me Camille right?" Her Aunt- Camille, laughed as Anastasia called her Aunt once more. "I never understood why your parents made you so formal."

Ana shrugged. "Formal people."

"Well Im not as formal."

'Oh really? They obscenely dyed blonde hair and heavy makeup screamed formal.' It was his voice Anastasia looked in the car mirror and was greeted by the same green eyes that made her hate herself so many times.

"And I wont really give you a curfew but just be in before 12. Seeing as your already seventeen and it's a new city and everything. Just no drinking, smoking, or sex really."

"What abput your kids?"

"Hayley and Lucas? Their both in college and their never home really. But, you might see Lucas alot. He lives not to far from home but, Hayley is in New York."

Anastasia could see how proud her Aunt Camille was of her kids from the smile on her lips. She enjoyed talking about them as any mother should. But, she wouldn't have anyone do that to her anymore.

"We're here. I took the liberty of putting somethings in your room." She stopped the car infront of a large home fit for almost three families. "We can go shopping for clothes tomorrow if you'd like?"

Anastasia got out and a man with alot of graying facial hair came out. She recognized him as her Uncle Greg. "Anastasia? You look older."

"Because I am." She smiled and he hugged her.

"Its good to see you. Im sorry."

Her face fell and they parted. "What room am I in?"

"Second floor, can't miss it." Her Aunt Camille winked and hugged her husband.

Taking a deep breath Anastasia went in and up the steps. She walked to a room the had the words 'Ana'written in white cursive on the black doors. She opened it and found the room rather dull. Pale gray almost purple walls nearly covered with nothing but bookshelves. She let out a sigh of relief and walked in. The door shut and Kenny leaned on it. "Oh look. We're alone." He smirked.

She turned and clenched her jaw. "Go away."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I can't." He walked closer and looked down at her.

Anyone else would have loved this moment. Kenny was taller than her five-three. His dark hair against his pale skin, maybe his bright green eyes stand out. Not to mention the little stubble he had on his jaw made him look more attractive. When she first saw him she thought he was undeniably sexy, but now? After the bruises and the beatings? No where near.

Anastasia took a step back. "Kenny leave please."

He held her chin. "Is that any way to talk to me? After all I've done for you?"

She looked away and he tightened his grip. "Look at me."

She looked at him and closed her eyes. She felt his lips linger onto hers and she let out a small cry. "Please..."

He didn't listen and held the bacl of her head to deepen the kiss, while his other hand held her waist. "The last few days have been so stressful. We both need this."

Tears were in Anastasia's eyes and someone knocked on the door. "Anastasia?"

She pushed Kenny and he held her closer. "Come in!"

The door opened and her Aunt was there. She found Anastasia sitting on the floor crying. "Ana..." She smiled and hugged her hard. Crying with her.

During dinner Anastasia figured it was better to just let her Aunt think she was crying because of her parents. She couldn't exactly say 'My imaginary friend from my childhood abuses me and thats why I was crying', Could she?

****I had written this before but, I just want to complete it.(:

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