Woah There Tiger

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When He Get's 'Excited'


You watched as the curl bobbed up and down in front of you. Matthew had told you not to touch it, but how were you supposed to not touch it? It was just there!" He noticed you staring at it before blushing. "Maple..." You blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry Mattie." You quietly told him and he smiled, telling you it was ok. When you were done eating you brought your dishes to the sink and rinsed them before placing them beside the sink. You walked to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for Matthew to come so you could watch a movie together. He finally sat down next to you on the couch and you started the movie. ~~~ Halfway through the movie he had moved so his head was in your lap and your hand was going through his hair. When a sharp gasp was heard you looked down to see your hand touching his curl. "I'm sorry Mattie! Did I hurt you?" You frantically asked and he shook his head. "N-No, you're fine maple." He said with flushed cheeks. "I just need to get up though." He told you as he stood up and awkwardly walked to the bathroom.


The football game was going on and Alfred wouldn't pay attention to anything but that. You sighed as he practically shooed you away when the 3rd quarter started. "Alfred-" "Dudette, the game's on!" He said before taking a sip of his milkshake. Frowning you walked away and into the kitchen. Getting an idea on how to get his attention you smirked and walked to the back of the couch where he was sitting. After taking your shirt off you began to kiss his neck and travel the kisses up to his ear. He shuddered under your touch and tried so hard to keep his attention on the game. When your hands went to his hair and began playing with his ahoge he turned around and tried to kiss you, but you pulled away. "That was a touchdown!" You cried out and he growled out, "No it wasn't!" Before bringing you onto his lap.


You frowned as your English boyfriend sat at his desk doing nothing but paperwork. 'He's been working for 11 hours straight now.' You thought as you brought him his dinner and some tea. Knocking he gave you the ok to enter. Opening the door and setting the plate and cup down you went behind him and kissed the top of his head. "Angleterre you've been working all day. You need a break." You told him as you started massaging his shoulders. He groaned as he felt some of the knots slightly loosen but shook his head. "I can't love, I have to get these done." Frowning you then smirked as you got an idea. Kissing his neck your hands began to slide down from his shoulders. He tensed at your touch and let out a little moan. Pulling away and walking out of the office he quickly followed you to where you were now sitting on the couch. He sat down next to you with his arms crossed over his lap as you smiled. Opening your mouth to say something he cut you off. "Don't. Say anything."


You never noticed it until now. The secret curl that he has. It was just so adorable that you couldn't help but stare at it. "{Y-N}-aru, what are you looking at?" Yao asked when he saw you looking at him. You blushed and shrugged your shoulders. "Nothing, I just never realized that you had a curl." His eyes widened and he blushed. "Y-Yes I do-aru." "Can I touch it?" You asked and he shook his head. "No! I-I mean please don't-aru." But it was too late and you had already tugged at the little curl. He let out a moan which caused you to smirk and tugged at the curl again. "S-Stoooop." He cried out and let go of his curl before kissing his cheek and getting up to make some food while Yao sat on the couch with a hello kitty plushie on his lap.

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