Happy Birthday Lithuania!

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••Lithuania•• February 16

"Hello big brother Russia." You said with a smile on your face. "Hello little {Y-N}, you're here to see little Lithuania da?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Da, it's his birthday today and I just wanted to give him his present." Russia let you in from the cold air and you smiled as the warmness hit your covered skin. 'It's always been warm here.' You thought as the memories of being with your big brother and sisters ran through your head. Russia pat your head and told you that Lithuania was probably in his room or the kitchen. You first checked the kitchen to find him right away. "Sveiki Toris!" You said and skipped over to him. "A-Ah {Y-N}, sveiki." You giggled at his actions and kissed his cheek. He blushed and looked away. "Happy birthday Toris, I made you a cake." You proudly said and held out the cake. He saw it and dreamily looked at it. "W-Wow! Ačiū." You hugged him as soon as he set the cake down. "Anything for you."

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