How Could You!

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When He Cheats

"Why, why would you do this to me!" You cried out. Matthew looked down at you guiltily. "I'm sorry maple-" "NO! Don't call me that!" You sniffled as you got up from the ice. "Why did you have to cheat? I thought you loved me." He wrapped his arms around your body as you glared at his chest. "I'm sorry maple, you know how the ice changes me." You gave a small hmph and pulled away with your arms crossed. "That doesn't mean you have to cheat at hockey. Honestly, you would have won against me anyways."

"You sir, are an ass!" You screamed at the American. His wide eyes told you that he was startled by your sudden screaming. "Dudette, calm down-" "No! Don't tell me to calm down you filthy cheater!" "But I didn't cheat." He muttered but you still heard it. "Liar, I saw you." He sighed and grabbed your face before placing a kiss on your lips causing you to quiet down. "I didn't cheat, you just suck at this game that much. Besides it's only a game. No need to lose it like that over something so small."

"Arthur, I thought you wouldn't do this." You whispered from your chair. He looked up at you in surprise. "What do you mean love?" You looked up at him and sighed. "You cheated." He gave you a look that screamed offended and cleared his throat. "Where's your proof at this statement?" He asked and you pointed to the chess board on the table. "You shifted my pawn." He looked at the table and rubbed the back of his neck. "That's not very gentlemanly you know." You said glaring at him. Bowing his head down in shame he blushed. "Yes love, sorry."

"Go away!" You cried out as you sat on the couch. Yao tried to sit next to you but you wouldn't let him. "I said go away you cheater!" "{Y-N}-" "No! You cheated and you know it." "Duìbùqǐ" "I don't care." "I'll make you some more, without adding more cumin-aru." "Fine." You muttered and got up from the couch. "No more cooking contests with you though." You told him pointing a finger. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "Says you-aru."

"Jerk." You muttered as he handed another woman a rose. Walking over to him he smiled and winked at you. "And how is ma petite colombe doing?" He asked and you frowned. "You're cheating." You bluntly said and he looked mock offended. "What! Never! I would never cheat." He said and winked at another girl that passed him and handed her a rose. "See, you're cheating." He asked how he was cheating to which you just crossed your arms. "You're being french, duh." He laughed and stole a kiss. "Maybe if you try it my way you'll hand out more roses." 

"Sunshine, why are you ignoring me?" Ivan asked while you just huffed and looked away from him. He came up behind you and pulled you into his chest. "I don't like it when you ignore me sunshine." He whispered in your ear. You shivered as his warm breath tickled your ear and you tried to pull away but his grip on you was so tight. "Stop it you cheater!" You told him and he smiled. "I didn't cheat, I just bent the rules." You rolled your eyes and decided to let your legs go limp so he would carry you. Catching you he carried you bridal style to the kitchen where your two cakes were and the 3 Baltics were standing shaking. "S-Sorry Miss {Y-N}..." Lithuania apologized and you pouted. "My cake was better and you know it." You muttered to him as he just laughed.

"I don't want to talk to you." You mumbled as Ludwig came up to you. "Liebling-" "Don't liebling me, you cheated." You said with your arms crossed over your chest and you nose in the air. Japan and Italy watched as you walked away from the German in irritation. "Ve~ Japan, why-a is the belle so-a mad?" "Germany-san reft the start rine before the count of three. So he won the race." Ludwig sighed and picked you up, carrying you over his shoulder. You didn't do anything by glare at his back. "Come on, I'll play fair zhis time." He said as he set you down by the starting line again. "You better." You grumbled.

"I saw you!" You said raising your voice slightly. "B-But-a bella!" Feliciano tried to say but you cut him off. "I thought I was good enough, but no... You had to go and cheat!" "Mi dispiace
bella." "No, go away." You said pouting and poor Feliciano looked like he was going to cry. Running to you and hugging you tightly he cried out "Mi dispiace!" You couldn't help but hug him back. "Please don't cry Feli. Just next time, don't ruin my pasta to win the deal." He nodded and smirked as you gave in and would be his personal maid for a week.

"Really? I didn't think you were the cheating type." You muttered as Kiku wore his cosplay outfit. "I don't know what you mean {Y-N}-chan." "You cheated, and you know how." You muttered and crossed your arms. Looking down at you he couldn't help but give a hint of a smile as you pouted. "I made mine, so how come you went and bought yours?" "You don't have any proof." He muttered and you pulled receipts out from the trash. "Right here." He sweatdropped and realized he should have hidden those better.

"Blah, blah, blah, I can't hear you!" You yelled while covering your ears. "Damn it ragazza!" Lovino yelled and tried to get you to uncover your ears. "Maybe you shouldn't have cheated!" "For the last-a time, I didn't fucking-a cheat!" You spun around with a glare and your arms crossed. "Them explain to me what's with the tomato in your pocket?" "For when I-a want one." "But you knew how much my brother likes them... And you pulled one out when we were competing. That, is cheating." And with that you spun back around and went to your room leaving an almost smiling Lovino behind and a Spaniard happily eating a tomato on the couch.

"Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!" You accused and pointed at Antonio. "I'm not a cheater!" He said and you stomped your foot. "Yes you are, I saw you." "You didn't see anything princesa." Was his reply causing you to give a 'really' look. "I saw your hand, reach into my basket of tomatoes, and take some for yours." You said and he just laughed. "Bien, bien, I did take some from your basket." Smiling you couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Told you."

"I hate you." You stated and turned your back to Gilbert. "Vhat did I do?" He asked and you spun around. "You cheated!" He just smirked and walked up to you. "Vhere's jour proof?" He asked and you stared at him. "You have a higher tolerance than me and you knew that." You said and he just laughed. "But frau if jou remember, it vas jou that vanted to have a drinking contest vith zhe awesome me." He said laughing. Sticking your tongue out at him you went to the cupboard to get something for your killer headache.

At Something...

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