Where Art Thou {Y-N}?

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When You Go Missing

You told him you would be back soon. All you had to do was go grocery shopping. That was an house and a half ago. He had texted you, called you, even gone to the store and searched for you but he couldn't find you. "Where are you?" He wondered out loud. While passing by in the parking lot he noticed your car was still there and it was unlocked with the trunk opened just a bit. Running towards it he saw Aurora in it knocked unconscious. Gently shaking the bear awake she started to cry when she saw Matthew. "She's gone! Someone took her!" Matthew quieted the poor bear and got in the driver's seat and drove away to get some help on where you could be.

You and Alfred had had a gaming night and you allowed him to spend the night. While he was in the spare bedroom you were happily sleeping in your bed. Alfred suddenly awoke when he heard your scream and the sound of a struggle. Jumping out of bed and running to your room he opened the door and gasped. The whole room was a mess. Furniture knocked over, the window and mirror broken with glass shattered and covering the floor. He could see traces of blood and his blood began to boil. Jumping out of the window he ran as fast as he could in the direction he saw the trail of blood go. 'I'm coming for you {Y-N}!'

It was so simple how he lost you. He had offered to go get some tea while you were at the park. It was quiet and no one was around. He bought the tea from the cafe closest to the park and jogged back to the bench where you had been. Seeing the snow dispersed and your purse dropped with the items scattered around it he knew something had happened to you. Getting out his phone he quickly called America. When he picked up Arthur sighed in relief. "Watson come! We have another case to solve." 

He couldn't believe it. He had lost you. While the two of you were working in the kitchen someone had entered the shop of the restaurant with a gun. You, who had been the closest to him, was grabbed and had a gun brought to your head. "Anyone who comes closer will put a bullet through this girl's head. Now load up the cash!" He yelled and you stared at Yao with tears streaming down your face. When he had the money he left while dragging you with. "{Y-N}!" You heard Yao shout and you closed your eyes. 'Help me Yao.'

You said you'd only be out for a little while, but now it's been an hour. Francis worriedly paced around in your living room. Grabbing his phone he dialed your number and looked at the clock when you didn't answer. 'It's been too long, and she won't pick up. Something's not right.' He thought and dialed the number he didn't want to dial. "What do you want?" An unhappy voice came and he stayed silent. "France, what's wrong?" "Something's happened to {Y-N}, something bad. She left a while ago and still isn't back, plus she didn't answer her phone." England was silent on the other end and Francis sighed. "Will you helpe me?" "Let me grab my coat and hat." Francis heard and could easily pick up the smirk that was on England's face. 

He didn't know what to do. You were gone. Someone had knocked him out while you two were passing an alley and they had dragged you away from him. When he returned home the Baltics could sense something was wrong by his aura. "M-Mr. R-Russia sir... A-Are you ok?" Estonia asked and Ivan smiled sadistically. "I will be when I kill the man that took my sunshine." They ran away when his aura turned darker and he grabbed his pipe. 'I'm coming for you sunshine, don't worry.'

You were sick of running in the gym so you somehow convinced Ludwig to run in the snowy park. He had gone ahead of you as you were slowing down to stretch. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later." You called out and he nodded. About 10 minutes later he went back and noticed he didn't see you at all. Getting worried he sprinted to where he last saw you and his eyes widened. There were droplets of blood on the snow and your water bottle was on the ground next to the crimson snow. "{Y-N}!"

"Germany! Germany!" Feliciano yelled and ran at Germany who was looking worriedly at him. "Vhat's vrong Italy?" He asked and he burst into tears. "I-a can't find-a mio bella!" Germany looked around the park you were at and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm zure zhe's fine. Have jou tried calling her?" Feliciano quickly whipped out his phone and called you, only to receive your voicemail. "She-a didn't pick up." He said and his hands were clenched in fists. "I-Italy?" Germany asked, concerned for how his friend was acting. "Il bastardo che ha preso mio bella paghera con la vita." (The bastard who took my belle will pay with his life.)(Correct me if I'm wrong here please!) Germany's eyes widened as he heard Feliciano talk in a dark voice, so unlike his usual persona. "I-Italy..." "Let's-a go Germany."

Kiku had somehow lost you at the cosplay convention. He looked everywhere for you but you were nowhere to be found. He called your phone but didn't get an answer. "Where are you?" He asked himself and went back to where he last saw you. Something caught his eye and they suddenly widened. He ran and picked up your that you always carried around. "{Y-N}..."

"Damnit ragazza, where-a the fuck are you?" Lovino grumbled as he looked around the busy streets of Madrid. You had wanted to take a walk through and see how your citizens were doing, but now you were gone. Looking around he finally saw your familiar {H-C} hair talking to someone. You were suddenly grabbed by the man and dragging into the alley. Lovino ran as fast as he could to help you but realized that the allies were like mazes, and couldn't find you. He painted as he ran into another dead end and punched the wall in frustration. "Damnit!" He yelled and clenched his fists. After a few moments he started to chuckle darkly, his eyes had a dark gleam to them. "Fucking bastardo-a thinks he can-a get away with-a stealing MY-a girlfriend. Hahaha, stupid, pathetic human. You'll-a feel the-a wrath of what the-a Italiano mafia can bring."

"Princesa! Princesa answer me per favor!" He yelled as he ran through your neighborhood. You had gone out to take a quick walk but when you didn't come home at the time you said you would be home he started to worry and went out to search for you. That was an hour and a half ago. He stopped to catch his breath, the usual smile on his face not there and instead replaced with an unusual worrying frown. "Princesa, dónde estás?"

"Frau, vhere are jou? Zhis isn't awesome at all!" Gilbert cried out as he looked around the bar for you. He started asking the people that were sober enough to understand and talk if they had seen a girl with {H-C} hair and {E-C}. Nodding and saying that a man had carried you out after what looked like you had passed out Gilbert's eyes widened and he rushed out the door. He frantically looked around to see if he could spot you but when he didn't he ran a pale hand through his hair. "Zhis is not awesome frau!"

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