Sup, I'm {Y-N}

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When You Meet


It was a beautiful summer day while you were sitting at the park. Watching children play and couples walk around holding hands made a smile appear on your face, which escalated into a small laugh as you watched a polar bear start running around. 'Where did that polar bear come from?' You thought to yourself as you stood up and walked over to it. It was a small one and incredibly fluffy. Bending down to where it was rolling on it's back you quietly said, "Hello, what are you doing here?" It stopped rolling around and looked at you before putting it's paw on your hand. Suddenly it was lifted off the ground causing you to look up. "Hello, is that polar bear yours?" You asked and the man looked at you surprised. He had short, but wavy blonde hair with a curl that caught your attention right away. Then next thing you noticed were his violet eyes that had glasses covering them. "Y-You can see me?" He quietly asked and you chuckled. "Unless polar bears just randomly start to float then yes. My name's {Y-N}, what's your name?" He shyly held out his hand to shake and said "M-Matthew Williams, but you can call me Canada."


'Batman Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Halo 5 Guardian, where is it?' You thought as you looked through the games. Being the gamer that you were you really wanted to find Darkest Dungeon since you couldn't get it when it first came out. Finally seeing it you smiled and reached to grab it, only for someone else to reach for it as well. Looking at who it was you saw sky blue eyes covered by glasses and blonde hair with a cowlick. He was wearing what looked like a tan uniform with a bomber jacket. "Sorry dudette, here." He said while giving you the game. As much as you wanted to take it you shook your head. "I can't, you had it first. You take it." Pushing the game towards him. He laughed and smiled at you. "It's a Hero's job to make sure that his citizens are happy, so if this makes you happy then take it." You stared at him for a while before reluctantly taking it. "Thank you, what's your name hero? I'm {Y-N}." Handing you a piece of paper he winked at you. "Names Alfred F. Jones, but you can call me America!"


You had always heard your brother Francis how bad England was. "Brother, I want to go to the world meeting with you." He ruffled your hair and looked into your {E-C} eyes. "Do you really want to go?" He asked and you nodded your head enthusiastically causing him to laugh. "Alright zen, let's go." As you followed Francis to the world meeting room you couldn't help but feel nervous. You were after all France's little sister, what if they didn't like you? He opened the door and you followed him in. You saw many countries already there but one caught your eye, as well as your brother's. "Frog face, did you kidnap this girl!" France dramatically gasped and pulled you into his arms. "Non! She is my sœur!" (Sister) You struggled out of his grip and made your way to the man. "Bonjour, my name is {Y-N}, personification of Paris, and you are?" You asked and he smirked. "Arthur Kirkland, personification of United Kingdom, Britain, and England, but England for short." Smiling you shook his hand and took the time to get more detail of him. He had short blonde hair and very bushy eyebrows that you couldn't miss, while he was wearing a green military suit. "If you don't mind me asking, are you really frog face's sister?" You sighed and nodded, "Oui, I'm 6 years younger than him." Once the other countries came in you and England took your seats, but still decided to converse.


The sizzling of food on a frying pan was heard throughout the kitchen of the restaurant. Cooking was always a specialty of yours, especially if it was foreign food. You loved trying new recipes on your own, but for now you were working in a local Chinese restaurant. "{Y-N}, this is your new coworker. Show him around the kitchen will you?" Smiling you nodded your head and looked at the man. He had dark brown hair that was pulled into a ponytail and amber/brown eyes. Holding out your hand for him to shake you gave a friendly smile. "Hey, I'm {Y-N}, head chef of this fantabulous restaurant. And you are?" He smiled and... Giggled? Shaking your hand he looked into your {E-C} eyes he said "Yao Wang-aru, but my friends call me China!"

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