Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! This is my first time writing a fan fiction, I've written many imagines for my friends so I hope this goes well.  (Follow me on Twitter, I follow back: @zouisfeels) 

(Btw, If somethings written in italics (like this) It means that it's what the character is thinking. Just a quick reminder.)

Louis POV (7 years old)

'Bee! Come here! I wanna show you something I made for you!' I called. Bee, as I called her, was my neighbour and my best friend since birth. Her name wasn't actually Bee, it's just a nickname I made up for her when we first met and it just stuck on. We never bothered getting to know each other's real names, it didn't seem important. A name is just a label. She walked over to me, her red and white polka dot dress flew beautifully in the summer breeze. Her silky brown hair was set on her shoulders and her plump pink lips were tuned into a smile, which reached her honey brown eyes. She looked like a doll, a princess.

'What do you want Ant?' She replied, grinning cheekily. I scowled. I hated that nickname. Since I called her Bee, she decided it would be funny to give me an insect name too- so she called me Ant- because she was taller than me. She giggled and looked behind me, to see our parents saying their last goodbyes to each other. 'We're meant to go now, all the way to London. That's like to Africa!' She stretched her arms out, to indicate how far apart we would be. 'Ant, I'm gonna miss you lots. I-I just...' Unable to finish her sentence, she stood there, motionless, like a robot. Or a brick.

'Bee, it's okay. Look, what I made for you.' I handed her a small daisy chain necklace that I had made for her. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she took it out of my hand, regarded it and wore it around her neck. 'I love it.' Pulling me into a hug, she began to sob lightly into my red Rory the racing car shirt. But I didn't mind, she looked so pretty when she cried.

'So I guess this is it.' I mumbled, releasing myself from the hug. 'Ant, I want to give this to you.' I looked up to see her handing me a chain with a dog tag on it. Engraved on the tag was 'Bee'. I chuckled lightly at her sense of possessiveness, as she presented me with a necklace, similar to my chain. However her tag read Ant.  "My mummy got them for us. Do you like it?" She swayed on her feet, ears tinged pink as her eyes focused on the ground. "Yeah." Was my simple reply, unsure of what to do and what to say. I was really going to miss her; we had so many memories together. We'd known each other since they first moved here! And now they're going back?  

 That's it! I can't take it anymore! I have to say it. It's now or never. I decided it was the right moment to tell her. 'Bee I have to tell you something. It's hard for me to admit so bear with me.' She nodded encouragingly; I guess she was just eager to know something new and secret. 'I think I-'

'Honey! We have to go now!'  Really? Now? 


 'No buts! We have to go! NOW! I've checked the perimeter and we're safe to go, so hurry up!" Her father shouted, in a state of urgency. 

'I'm sorry! Bye!' Swiftly, she let go of my hand.

And with that, I watched my best friend leave my life forever.

Present Time

Bella's POV (Aged 16)

'Mum, I'm going to Marissa's house! I'll be back at 9 or something!' I yelled, hopefully mum would hear me.  A lot of things have happened since I moved to London, and left my best friend- someone I've known since birth- behind.

I've obviously grown, a lot. Instead of straight hair, it's now wavy. My hair and eye's are still poo brown but as long as they do their jobs, it's fine by me. At one point I decided to get ash highlights, but Blaze pointed out it looked like my hair was greying, and it was true. I am now the owner of poo brown hair with an extra topping of 'honey brown' streaks flowing through the sea of straw on top of my head.

My mum used to be really easy going and calm but ever since gran died, she's been strict, harsh, contradictory and pretty much a nuisance. Okay I know, I know, 'Bella at least you've got a mum who loves you and cares for you!' Enough of that bull crap. I'm grateful for her but it'd be nice if she cooled off a bit from time to time. Is that so much to ask for?

On top of that, I moved to a new school called Edgewood's primary school and made a friend called Marissa who's been my bestie ever since. Now we're in secondary school, and our friendship is still stronger than an Captain America's Adamantium shield. Marissa has shoulder-length wavy blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes, and a pink smile that never fades.

We also have a close friend called Niall Horan. He was a brunette once, like me, until he dyed his hair blonde of course (I think to match Marissa's, he is wrapped around her finger and he doesn't even know it). He's Irish, the leprechaun of our group; icy blue eyes and a cheeky smile that always appears whenever Marissa is near. I can tell he clearly has the hots for her. We all became friends when one day I magically appeared on my pink unicorn and whisked us off on a weekend holiday to Fairty-topia. Okay no but seriously, we were put in a group and assigned a task which we had to complete over the summer holidays, so we got to know each other pretty well that way. Cliché, but works wonders.

'Okay just make sure you're in time, your father and I have some big news for you!' I heard a reply coming from the bathroom upstairs. Grabbing my purse and slipping on my brown boots, I headed for the door and left the house.

 *         *         *

'Oh my god Deacon is the cutest guy in the whole world I can't believe he's planning on asking me out!' Marissa fluttered her hands like she was trying to fly. Damn it woman, you're not a butterfly. Stop flapping your hands in my face. 'How do you know that?' I questioned, unsure of where she had got this information from. 'Blaze told me, I can't believe this is happening! I wonder if he'll ask me tomorrow after school!' I tilted my head giving my best friend a look of disbelief.

'Bella, which lip gloss shall I wear?  Light or dark pink? Glitter or plain? Ahh! And mascara! Volume and length right? What do I wear? How shall I do my hair? Bel-'

 'Shut up!'


'Sorry, just calm down alright?' Slowly, she nodded her head finally allowing me to speak. 'How can you trust Blaze? Remember the last time she spread the rumour that Adam and you had banged, yet it wasn't true? And the other time you told her you liked Daniel, and she purposely fed him crap about you, and he ignored you till the end of the year? What if that happens again? Do you trust her?'

Marissa tilted her head to her side frowning slightly, rolling her eyes at me. Her fair skin shone in the artificial light as she opened her mouth to speak. 'Well actually, it's not like anything bad is going to happen. Why risk it? And anyways I really don't know what to wear tomorrow after school at Jade's house. We have to do this assignment and her brother Jaden is really hot.'  See what I have to put up with. Sigh.

'Okay fine, but if anything happens again don't say I didn't warn you.' I consulted, before picking out a floral cocktail dress. 'Wear this.' I handed her the dress as she considered it.  'With my red pumps?' I nodded at her question as she laid the dress down onto the bed and walked over to her mirror, clutching her hair. 'Shall I put my hair up or keep it down?'

'Really? Wow, ugh. Just put it up in a messy bun.' 


Really? Did she just K me? Nobody 'K's Isabelle Lily Yearwood.

'Potassium to you too, bitch.' 

Weyhey that was quick. Imma keep this A/N short... Keep reading, hopefully this won't be cliche 

Picture of Marissa (left) and Bella (right) on the sidebar :)


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