9 Breakfast

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I wake up to my nose burning.
"Holy fuck why is it so cold?" I pull the blanket up over my head and roll over to face Michael. He's laying on his face, drooling on the pillow. I dared to stick my arm out of the blanket to grab my phone. It's nine in the morning. I wonder if anyone else is up. At the same moment I hear a door open down the hall. Well I guess that answers that question.
"Michael. Hey, wake up." I shake his shoulder.
"Huh? What..?" He lifts his head and focuses his eyes. His hair going in every direction and dried spit on his cheek.

"Come on, time to get up." I kiss him, despite our morning breath.
"Ugh it's so cold. Two more hours.." He buried his head under the pillows. I pull the blanket to reveal both our naked bodies to the freezing room.
"Ah fucking shit, why?" He scrambles to grab the blankets.
"It's party day, we gotta get everything ready." I sit up and pull on a shirt and boxers. I go to the dresser to get the warmest, fuzziest socks I own and shove my almost numb feet into them.
"Ugh since when are you a morning person?"
"I dunno. I just don't want everyone to be awake before I am. Come on, get up." Michael sits up and rubs his eyes then runs a hand through his hair.
"They're already up. I can smell coffee." He said, pulling on pajama pants.
"Ugh I feel like a bad host." I open the door and walked into the main living area.

"Good morning." I say to everyone as I walked into the kitchen, looking around Luke for some much-needed coffee. I grab a spoon to stir my coffee but decide to turn around and toss it at Ashton to wake him up.
"Dude what the fuck?" He sits up
"Did you just throw a spoon at me?" He stares at me
"Get up, lazy ass." I laugh. "Who wants breakfast?" I rummage through the cabinet.
"I do." Michael, Luke, and Ashton say in unison.
"God damnit, we don't have any woofle mix."
"Woofles?! That's my favorite thing." Liv says. I pick up my phone to text Em.
~hey em, come over early. And bring woofle mix.~
"So Em is gonna swing by and bring us some waffle mix." I say as I take the waffle maker out of the cabinet.

After a little while of talking over our cups of coffee the door slams open, startling everyone. We all look over to see Emily, my punk-ass cousin. Her bright blue hair is about boob-length with the side shaved. She's sporting her black skinny jeans and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up, exposing her heavily tattooed arms and chest.

"Everyone, meet my punk-ass cousin, Em." I get up to grab the waffle mix.
I notice Ashton react more than the others to Emily's appearance. Oh shit. Call me matchmaker. I chuckle to myself. Em glances over to me, obviously nervous. But I'm surprised by how calm she's acting.
"Hi." Emily quickly says before sitting on the floor next to Calum.

I walk over to the kitchen and I call Michael to come with me.
"So Emily is basically in love with Ashton." I whisper to him.
"Yeah. Everyone knows that.."
"Yeah but did you see the way Ashton sat up and stared at her? He's obviously intrigued.."
"Ooh no.. are you playing match-maker again?" He glares at me.
"No.." I look down. "It's just a coincidence that they might fall in love." I grin, turning on the waffle maker and pouring some of the mix in. I turn around and watch everyone talking and getting along. I smile to myself. Good God, I am a mom. I push that though out of my head and turn around.

As I finish up the waffles, I hear Ashton awkwardly talking to Em. Oh Christ Ashton.. what the fuck..
"I only come here because Kage would kick my ass if I didn't." Emily was explaining to Ashton. True. I think to myself. This whole conversation is a god damn train wreck.. I love it.
"I would love to make - I mean take you out sometime." Ashton says. Michael is standing next to me, watching this disaster happen and he groans loudly.
"Christ, what have you done..?" He whispers to me.
"This is hilarious shut up." I whisper back.

I grab the huge plate of waffles and set it on the table, along with maple syrup, butter and peanut butter.
"Woofles are ready!" I yell, stopping the train wreck abruptly. The boys got up quickly and grabbed enough waffles to feed an army. I lean against the counter and sip my coffee.

"God leave some for the rest of us you asses." Liv laughs
Michael notices me not eating.
"Hey babe, you should really eat. Ya know. You're feeding- uh.. I mean.. nevermind." I widen my eyes at him.
"What are you feeding?" Ashton asks
"Oh.. OH." He looks down at his plate.
"Fuck you Michael, honestly." I glare at him.
"Are you pregnant?" Luke asks, putting his fork down. They all look at me.
"Ugh.. yes. I am pregnant. I didn't really want anyone to know but, thanks to Michael's fat mouth.." I frown.
"I KNEW." Em stated proudly.
"Yes of course you knew." I replied to her. "Anyway.. back to your breakfast. I'm not hungry." Michael looks at me and frowns.

"Well uh.. can someone pass the syrup..?" Calum asks, breaking the awkward silence.

Sorry for the super shitty, awkward ending. We couldn't figure out how to end it.

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