14 Home Again

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"He's beautiful." I whisper, holding my- our new baby.
"You both are." Michael whispers back to me, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"HA HA. My hair is stuck to my forehead and neck with sweat and the bags under my eyes are the size of Africa." I roll my eyes at him and he just snorts, kissing my sweaty forehead.
"Okay. Not my brightest moment." He says, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his sweater. I just laugh at him. I look down at my son.
"Jakota Lee.." I kiss his forehead. I'm in love with two boys now. My family. I smile.

After a day or two we were allowed to leave, due to a few minor complications. Em had prepared Lola to transport the new kiddo. A car seat, pillows, a blanket.
"NO. you didnt.." I say as I rip off the 'baby on board' bumper sticker.
"I don't want this on my car."
"Shit okay. Sorry." Em laughs as she hops into the drivers seat, earning some grumbling from me.
"I don't see why I can't drive.." I sit in the back and cross my arms.
"You just shot a human out of your vagina and you're probably still high." Michael looks back at me. All I can do is mock him with ugly faces and he just smiles and rolls his eyes.
"Good one." He chuckles. We start to drive home. I scoot myself closer to the car seat and watch Jakota sleep. I love you so much.

We had gotten home and I grab Jakota out of the car seat. Michael grabs my bag and clothes and we walk into the house, followed by Em.
"I think I'm gonna die.." I say as I hand the baby over to Michael.
"I'm so tired." I mumble as I walk into our bedroom and flop onto the bed. I'm out almost instantly.


"Fuck they're out. And I can't go to sleep. God damnit." I complain, rocking Jakota.
"Ya know.. I am a capable adult. I can hold a child. There's also a crib right over there." Em points to the brand new crib in the corner of the living room.
"Yeah I guess." I grumble as I hand him over to Em. My eyes are struggling to stay open.
"You look like complete ass. Go to bed." Em chuckles quietly.
"Yeah.. yeah." I say, walking into the bedroom and shutting the door. Finally sleep fuck. My final thought as I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.


It's been three hours. I've known this kid for almost 6 and I'm in love with him. I think as I sit on the couch, rocking him as he sleeps. I slowly get up and lay him in the crib to step outside for a smoke. Ugh. I'm so stressed. I think as I take a big drag and carelessly exhale. I soon take the last drag as the cherry almost reaches the filter and I stick it in the ashtray. I open up the door and step in. It's almost summer, so it's getting up to about 70 degrees. I kick off my Tom's and walk to the kitchen to grab a Coke. Soon I see Kage shuffle in, eyes bleary and hair greasy.
"Jesus. You look like you've been in a coma for 8 years." I say, taking a swig of Coke.
"I wish." They mumble, going over to check on Jakota, who's sleeping in the crib. They caress his cheek and smile.


"Why won't he latch?" I complain as I try to get Jakota to breastfeed.
"Come on, baby.. ugh.." Michael walks up and watches, popping a grape in his mouth.
"Lucky bastard." He jokes. I reach up and smack his chest and he laughs.
"He's just not that into you." I hear Em say from the kitchen. Michael bursts into a fit of laughter.
"I hate you two so much." I grumble, still coaxing Jakota to nurse.
"AH YES." I almost shout as I feel his mouth attach itself to me.
"OW fuck. I didn't know this hurts." I pinch my face as I feel him "bite".

"Oh my god. My nipples are raw." I complain, setting up the beast pump before bed.
"Sorry, babe. I mean.. I'll kiss them better if you want me too." He grins at me. I just smile and shake my head.
"That looks like an alien contraption.." Michael says, looking at the pump.
"Yeah its meant to suck a man's balls right off his body." I wave it at him and he shudders. I chuckle as I set it back up and turn it on.
"I'm going to bed. Good night." Michael kisses the top of my head.
"Okay babe. Night." I look up at him so he could kiss my lips this time. After pumping, I go to check on Jakota one more time before heading to bed. We had moved the crib into our room, so we could hear him if he wakes up since we're both very heavy sleepers. I fall into bed and fall asleep faster than usual.

I wake up to Jakota crying. Ah motherhood. No sleep.

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