16 Shit

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"Emily Ann.. I swear to god if you don't stop singing I'm going to kick you out on the side of the freeway." I rub my temples as she grins at me. As we continue down the freeway towards our new home, Michael smiles at me through the rear-view mirror. I quickly look at him then turn to stare out the window. Why am I so angry? I can't help but glare at everyone and everything. I haven't taken my pills in a few days. I'm being a bitch to everyone. I lean my chin on my hand.
"Kage, are you okay?" Michael asks, not taking his eyes off the road.
"Yes. I'm fine." I spit.
"Oh.. okay. I was just wondering. Sorry for asking." He nearly shrinks in his seat. Shit. We had been driving for about 45 minutes and I'm miserable. Just the fact that I'm stuck in the car with three happy people makes me even more angry. Only 20 more minutes. Just shut the fuck up. Don't be a dick.

We finally reach the new house and we all get out of the car. Moments later, the moving truck pulls up behind us, carrying the boys and all our shit.
"This is gonna be fuckin great." Calum hops out first.
"I know! A duplex, and we're our own neighbors." Em smiles at him. I grab Jakota out of his car seat and a jar of baby food. He's about 18 months now. Fuck he grew quick. I start to feed him as the boys grab some of the shit out of the car. Em and I take turns holding Jakota while the other helps move. After a few hours, we have the basics set up. Our couch, the TV, our bed, and a few chairs scattered.
"Fuck that's a lot of work." Ashton sighs, rubbing his arms.
"And we still have the other house." Em walks up and wraps her arms around his waist from behind. Ashton groans at the thought of more work. Michael walks in, struggling to hold three boxes.
"Fuck mate, gimme one." Calum jogs over to grab one. In the three boxes were air mattresses.

After the air mattresses were set up and covered with various blankets and pillows, it was about 10pm. We were all exhausted from the drive and work. The house was completely silent by 10:30.

Uuuugggggh.. my body hurts.. I open my eyes and adjust to the new surroundings. I grab my phone to check the time and any notifications. It's about 8am. I turn over and shake Michael awake, earning a groan.
"Mikey wake up. Wake uuuup."
"Uuugh ten more minutes." He mumbles and pulls the blanket over his head.
"Fine." I say, getting out of bed. It's summer, so luckily the mornings aren't cold. I slip on a pair of jeans and a snapnack. I grab my vans and my keys.
"Gotta get some energy." I mumble to myself as I drive to the nearest store.

"A Red Bull for you." I say, tossing the can to Em.
"And these are for you guys." I give the various energy drinks to the boys.
"And this is for me." I say, opening the can of Full Throttle. I take a swig and the cold liquid shocks my front teeth.
"Ready to get to work?" Michael asks after nearly finishing his Monster in two gulps. A chorus of groans ensues.
I go into the bedroom to see Jakota awake.
"Hi baby." I coo as I pick him up. I take him into the bathroom to change his diaper.
"You hungry?" I smile at him, walking out into the living room. Michael walks over to take him as I grab a jar of mashed banana baby food. He sets him into his high chair as I start feeding him. Everyone else goes out to start bringing stuff in.

After about two days, all our shit is fully moved in, and in place. I sit on the couch, with Jakota playing on the floor, watching my favorite Anime on Netflix.
"Hey babe." Michael says, walking through the door.
"How was work?" I ask, turning around to receive a kiss from him.
"Oh ya know. Shit." He smiles at me, then squats down to pick up Jakota.
"How was my man today?" He asks rhetorically.
"He started walking today." I smile up at him.
"Yeah? That's awesome." He kisses Jakota on the head.
"He's growing too fast, this is shit." I whisper the last word, as Jakota is picking up his language skills.
"Shit." Both of our eyes widen, we look at Jakota.
"Shit shit."

God damnit. My child's first word is shit. Well, what else should I have expected?

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