13 Hospital

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Ugh I love going on tour, but I miss Kage. I thought as we loaded on the bus. I wonder how they're doing.. the baby should be due any day.
"Come on Mate, we gotta catch the flight." Calum shouts to the driver. He starts the bus.
"Oi mate, when's the baby comin?" Ashton bumped his shoulder against me.
"Dunno mate, any time." I unlock my phone and text Kage.
~how you doing babe?~
"Oh shit, it's like 1 am in Washington." I put my phone in my pocket. I miss them. I feel my pocket vibrate.
~good. Baby misses u~ Kage replies
~why are you up?~ I text back, slightly concerned.
~he keeps moving, can't sleep. :(~
~sorry. Well we're on our way to the airport, be home soon. I miss u~
~I miss you too. Gonna try to sleep. Good night~
~hopefully I'll see you in the morning. Good night.~ I put my phone back into my pocket.

It's not long before we pull up at the airport. We gather all of our bags and walk to the terminal. Soon we hear the intercom call out the next flight to Seattle.
"Come on, Mates." Luke says as we get on the plane.


I wake up to severe pain in my lower back.
"Fuuuck. EMILY!" I shout, despite it being super late, or early, I don't know.
"What is it?" Em shuffles in.
"My back.. it hurts so- AH fuck." I sharply inhale at the pain.
"Fuck okay.. uh.. do we need to go to the hospital?" She looked completely lost.
"Uh.. I don't know. Maybe?" I can feel the pain slowly moving to my stomach. Uuuugghhh noooo.. Michael come home quick. Em helps me out of bed and gets me into the car. She speeds down the road to the hospital.
We get checked in and I'm laying in the hospital bed.
"FUUUCK." I nearly scream.
"Hey dude.. watch your mouth, we're in a hospital.." Em whispers.
"I DON'T CARE." I groan as another wave of pain washes over me.
"I uh.. I'm gonna go call Mikey." She leaves the room and dials his number.


I was awakened by my phone buzzing.
"Hmm.." I wake up and realize that were on a plane, and it's dark out. I look at my phone. Why is Em calling me? I get a little worried.
"Hello?" I answer.
~Yo Kage is in the hospital.~
"WHAT?!" I shoot up in my seat.
~yeah, Kage is fine. I think they're going into labor..~ She whispers. My heart sinks. I'm still two hours away.
"Uh.. fuck. I'm still on the plane. Fuck." I mumble.
~Well.. get here as soon as you land. Kage needs you.~ I hear a muffled yell in the background.
"Is that them?" I ask
~uh.. yeah. They've been screaming for like two hours now..~
"Fuck I HATE this." I curse.
~I know, but there's nothing you can do. Oh I gotta go. Try to hurry. Bye.~ Em hung up. I sit there for a few minutes trying not to cry. I'm the worst fiancé ever.


FUCK THIS HURTS I keep thinking.
"No, he'll be here soon. I promise." She grabs my hand. I can feel another contraction coming, I grip her hand. I can see her face pinch up as I nearly crush her hand.
"HE'S HERE!" Em said after checking her phone. Soon a disoriented Michael bursts through the door.
"KAGE I'M HERE. ARE YOU OKAY?" He rushes over to me and grabs my hand. As he wipes the sweat off my forehead I smile up at him and he kisses me.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat. You guys want anything? Ice cubes?" She looks at me.
"Sure. Thanks." I say, then looking at Mikey.
"Oh uh no thanks." He smiles at Em as she walks out the door.
"Ugh I missed you." Michael said as he kisses me again.
"I missed you too- aaahh.." I groan as another contraction washes over me. The doctor quickly walks in to inspect.
"How far apart are they now?" He asks me.
"Uuh.. like 3 or 4 minutes?" I watch as he jots it down on a clipboard.
"And you are?" He asks Michael.
"Oh. I'm Michael. Kage's fiancé." He stands up to shake the doctors hand.
"Dean Novak." The doctor says.
"Kage is due any time now, and is dilated about 8 centimeters." He smiles at me. Michael grips my hand and sits back down. A few minutes later Em walks back in with a cup of chipped ice and a box of Chinese food.

After a couple more contractions, it was time. The doctor and a few nurses shuffled in.
"Alright, mom. You ready?" Doctor Novak asked me. I nodded. Fuck.

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