Chapter Two

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I get on the train and go sit in an empty compartment. I look out the window and wave to my parents. The compartment door open and close.

"Go away," I grumble, still looking out the window.

"I think I'm good."

I look at Draco with my death glare. That blonde really knows how to annoy me.

"Why were you staring at me at the Leaky Cauldron? " Draco asks.

"Cause I thought you were up to something."

"Nope,. Just running earns."

"Sure. You were also playing with little bunnies."

He ignores me. The train finally pulls out of the station. I start playing with my hair and humming.

"Don't sing," Draco orders.

"I was humming," I correct him.

"Don't do that either, Siren."

I huff and pull out a muggle book to read. It's called Lord of the Flies. It's quite good actually. Mum gave it to me as a birthday gift.

"You're a muggle lover like your father," Draco snarls. I turn the page.


"What have they done for you?"

"What have they done to you?"

Draco falls silent, showing I have won the debate. We're just silent during the train ride until it stops.

"We can't be there yet," I mutter. I watch the window frost over like the glass door. Goosebumps rise on my arms. I can even see my breath.

The door slowly opens and a cloaked figure enters. It feels like all my happiness is being drained.

I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. The creature finally leaves.

"Dementors," Draco snaps. He gets up and heads out. I sink into the seat more. A chocolate frog is thrown at my head. Draco sits back down.

"Thanks," I mutter. I open the container and catch the treat as it jumps out. I tear off the leg and offer the limb to Draco.

"I'm good Weasley."

I just finish off the treat. What angle is he playing at? I just stare out the the window.

I eventually see the castle in the distance. I leave my stuff and follow Draco.

I get in a different carriage. There is a thirteen year old girl with blonde hair and silvery grey eyes.

"I'm Abi," I introduce myself.

"I'm Luna," she replies. Her voice is as smooth as silk. "You're the siren. I always found them interesting."

I smile at her. She seems pretty cool in my opinion. We talk the rest of the way to the entrance of Hogwarts about different things. I think I just made a new friend.

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