Chapter Three

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Snape hands me my schedule. My eyes widen. I have all third year classes. Why? A letter falls in my lap. I open it to read it.

Dear Miss Weasley,
As a reminder, you here by will be taking more advanced classes. The release was signed early this year by the Head Boy.

The Head Boy is Percy. I see him leave, so I get up. I follow him until he starts to turn.

"Percy," I practically shout. He turns to face me. "You signed me up without my permission. Do you think I would be okay with this? Well? What do you have to say?"

"You're drawing a crowd."

I look to see we are. Draco is in the front, smirking. But I don't care right now.

"I am tired of being considered the freak," I yell at my brother. "You think this is okay? It's not. I am a freak because of my so called 'Gift'. Then you say it's okay to push me up because of it. And it's not like it's already hard to hang out with Ginny, who is my best friend, since we're in opposing houses. Now I don't even have a class with her."

Percy just listens to me yelling at him. He is really calm too. Which pisses me off even more.

"Say something," I snap.

"It just that I am looking out for your best interest."

He walks away and my jaw drops. That's it? He only said one sentence and left. I really hate him now. McGonagal starts motioning for people to go to class.

Draco hands me my bag. I thank him and go off to my first class of the year. I am stuck with Professor Trelawney, again.

But this time, with a whole class. So this will be interesting. I sit by myself, and Draco and his goons join me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"How did you skip a grade?" Goyle asks.

"Did you miss the argument in the hallway?" I ask him. "Cause if so, I'll go fetch you a Time Turner."

Goyle ignores me and looks at the teacher. While my mind is running through nasty pranks for Percy. Trelawney comes over.

"What does her tea cup say?" She asks Draco.

"Maybe why she stayed at your table," Hermione smirks. I snicker a little.

"I don't know," Draco grumbles. Trelawney picks it up and look at it.

"You, child, will find a bond stronger than most," she tells me. "Making it two."

So the first one would be Ginny, but what is the second. Trelawney continues.

"The one you argue with now."

My jaw drops, as does Draco. This woman thinks we'll be together. She goes to Harry and Ron. My brother tries to figure out what Harry's fortune.

"You'll be suffering but happy about it," he concludes.

That makes no sense what so ever. Well, maybe in Ron's mind. Trelawney picks up the teacup and drop.

"You have the grim," she gasps.

"The grim means death," a student reads. Everyone looks at Harry with concern or joy. He looks a bit shocked.

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