Chapter Ten

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I rush to the Hospital Wing. Ron is laying there with a broken leg.

"You idiots," I snap. "You three go to see Hagrid and end up injured."

"Who are you?" Ron asks. "Mum?"

"Worse. Your sister."

Dumbledore enters and closes the doors behind him.

"It wasn't him," Harry states. "They got the wrong man."

"It was my rat, Scabers," Ron adds. We look at him. He's gone bonkers. Harry prepares to explain, but I want to see how Ron explains this.

"Well he's not a rat. Just he disguised himself as a rat. It's Peter Petigrew and..."

"You just have to help Sirius," Hermione quickly finishes.

"A child's voice won't be heard by adults," Dumbledore states. "No matter if it rings the truth. You know the rules Miss Granger. If you succeed, you might save two lives tonight. Oh... I think three shall do it."

With that, he leaves.

"What is he talking about Hermione?" I ask. She ignores my question.

The girl pulls out a necklace and put it around Harry, her's, and my necks. Harry tries to touch it, but Hermione slaps his hand away.

"Sorry Ron," Hermione states. "But you can't walk."

She twists it three times. Everything seems to rewind. Bloody hell, she has a Time Turner. My dad told me about them. I never seen one before. The Hospital Wing is empty.

"Seven o'clock," she mutters. "Where were we at seven?"

"Going to Hagrid's?" I guess. Hermione grabs mine and Harry's wrists and pull us along. We run till I see the trio in front of me. We hide and see Hermione punch Draco in the stomach.

"Nice punch," Harry states. Hermione pulls us out of the way as the idiots and Draco run by. We follow the past versions of the trio. We crouch behind the pumpkins. I place my hand on one to keep balance.

"What happened to your hand?" Harry asks.

"Punched a mirror."


"I was angry. Any other questions?"

"Why aren't we leaving?" Hermione asks. Well that was unexpected. She picks up a stone and break the vase in Hagrid's hut. When that didn't work, I throw it at Harry's neck. We duck down.

"That hurt, Abi," Harry whines as he rubs the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and we dash to the woods. The past versions come to our original hiding spot.

"Is that how my hair looks in the back?" Hermione asks.

"Yes," I whisper back. The past trio leaves. Once everyone has seen Buckbeak, we get to work to save him. Harry bows to Buckbeak while I grab the dead ferrets.

"Come on Buckbeak," I chant I raise one. "Come get the ferret."

I throw it in the air and he catches it. I give the rest to Hermione. We get the Hippogriff into the woods and out of harms way. We go to the woods near the Whomping Willow.

"Plan?" I ask.

"Wait," Harry informs me. I groan and plop on the ground. I pull out a parchment and read it in the little daylight left.

It is all about the Siren's Gift. Lupin put it together. Apparently if I sing a high c, it can stun anyone that hears it. I guess that could be useful.

"Here," Harry states. I look up to see six people leave the tree. Each one recognizable.

"Sirius was offering me to live with him," Harry mutters. "I think he would like the country side so he can see the stars."

"He would like that," Hermione whispers. I see Lupin transform. We run and Hermione stops. The girl howls at the top of her lungs.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Saving Harry's life."

"Who's going to save ours?"

"Didn't think of that. Run."

We take off with Lupin trailing us. I split off and howl. He starts chasing me. I stop by a tree and take a deep breath.

I sing for him to sleep until he turns back. Then the other two find me. We hop onto Buckbeak and head to the North Tower.

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