Chapter Eleven

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The cool air rushes against my bare face. Harry is rambling on about how he cast the Patronam charm. We land on the tower.

"Alohamora," I cast. Sirius exits and mounts Buckbeak. We all fly down to the ground. All four of us dismounts the Hippogriff.

"Where are we going?" Harry asks Sirius.

"Right now my life is too unstable and unpredictable," Sirius calmly tells him. "Right now you need to stay here."

"Be safe," I tell Sirius. I pat Buckbeak. "You too."

Everyone gives the two a hug or pat. Sirius mounts Buckbeak and flies off. We rush back to the Hospital Wing door. Dumbledore is closing them.

"We did it," Harry tells Dumbledore.

"Did what?"

Dumbledore leaves with that.

"Let's go," Hermione urges.


Hermione had it perfected so that as we entered, the past us are gone. Poor Ron looks confused.

"But you were... you went back... in time," he stutters.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asks. Harry plays along.

"People can't time travel."

"They'll think you're bonkers," I chuckle. I say goodbye and head to the common room.

It is quiet and a bit gloomy. I plop down on the couch. An oof comes from under me. I stand up and see Draco.

"I'm so sorry," I gasp. "Wait. Why are you out here?"

"Was just thinking and fell asleep. You?"

"Just visited Ron in the Hospital Wing."

"Then why do you look as if you just ran through the woods?"

I open my mouth to respond, but quickly close it. That is not something I can answer with such ease.

"Whatever Weasley," Draco yawns. "Go to bed so you get some sleep."

"Whatever you say Mr. Boss-Man."

I actually can't wait to go to bed. I am extremely tired. I change and crawl under the covers.


I walk with Ginny back to the train. The two of us joke around.

"Hello sisters," the twins smile. They link arms with us, then lift us off the ground. I start to laugh and just be weird.

"Put us down," Ginny and I laugh.

"How about 'Please'?" Fred asks.

"Please," I laugh. They set me down and pick Ginny up. She squeals with joy and I smile at them. A hand grabs mine. I turn to see Draco.

"I'm sorry, Abi," he sort of smiles.


"Not stopping Parkinson."

"Bloody hell, boy. Your still hung up on that."

He looks at my knuckles. They're still bruised and have new scars forming. He pulls me against his chest and kiss me.

He leaves with that. My jaw drops, but I quickly recover and run back to the train, chasing after him.

It's stupid, but I am honestly not thinking. Once on, he pushes me in an empty compartment.

"Why did you leave?" I ask him.

"So we don't miss the train," the blonde chuckles. We sit down and joke. I smile as the train pulls out of the station.

"Ready to go home?" Draco asks. He looks a bit upset. My heart sinks a little.

"I have two homes. Here and there."

"I know what you mean."

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