Step-Sister Trouble

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WARNING: Bad Language
(dont learn these words kids!!!)

{Thank you for reading this story, even though my english sucks since my first language was not english...i will try to work on it. This part will be on the step sisters pov so, also if u didnt see that warning on the top then u better read it! I normally would never use these words in my books but for this part i will for the new guy characters. Thanks for reading! ENJOY! -Amy}

New characters:
*All the guys have brown eyes*
Matt: black-red - flirting mean leader
Leo: Black-green - dominating/controller, anger issues
Chris: Black-blue - cold, sadistic
Loyd: Black-purple - unknown, like a ghost (no presence)
Sam: brown - overboard, mischief prankster

Brute's POV

When i walked into the room i saw Kaoru put down the luggage next to the closet. Leo was on the floor smirking at her. I told Kaoru to get out, she just clicked her tongue and left. Leo looked at me with a smirk "jealous? Haha well she is cooler and hotter than you, also remember why I pretend to date you, ugly whore." he laughed and left the room. "Kaoru your going to pay!" I said as I felt anger boiling in my blood.

Berserk POV

As i was showering i heard the door to my room open. I heard Matt flirting with Momoko and i turned off the water and rapped the towel around myself and went out. "Hey Matt lets have some fun!" i called out and Matt was just glanced at me, then went back to flirting with momoko. "Matt babe come here~" i seductively called and he just ignored me. He finally stopped talking to momoko and look at me "Put on some cloths you ugly slut!" i felt a pain in my chest as he kept flirting. I looked over at momoko as she nervously smiled and blushing at him. I ignored them and went back to put on my cloths.

When i got out nobody was in the room so i went towards the kitchen to find the place all trashed. "Hey what happened here!" I asked Miyako. I looked at her and she looked trashed. There was a banana peel on her head and mud all over her cloths. "One of the gu...i mean i did t-this b-b-because you a-are as d-dirty as this kitchen!!" this made me angrier than before. I slapped her hard across the face and it even became red. Miyako got up and ran away with tears in her eyes. "Hahahhahahahahaa i cant believe she actually said it hahahhahahaa!" when Sam came out of hiding. "So it was you who did this." "hahahhaa yeah, you should of saw her face hahahaa!" as he rolled on the floor laughing his ass off. "Well this was your fault that she went crying Sam." i said not feeling any guilt. Sam just walked down the hallway laughing. "Ugh whats wrong with these guys!" as i slammed my hand on the counter.

Bug's POV (its the purple punk if u guys dont remember)

I was the first to be done showering because I dont like to take long showers. I looked over at my so called partner. Nobody seems to notice him but i can see him perfectly fine. I am different than my sisters because i have no interest in guys. I really don't remember how it all happened but all i remember was...


"Yay i love shopping! Oh look at these cloths! They look fabulously awesome!" Brat yelled as Emily and Berserk followed her to every store. I was just sitting down at one of the benches near the shops and opened my book. I love reading but only certain books like about death, pain, and other dark things normal people wouldn't read. Then i notice a presence next to me. I saw a guy with a book in his hand, but it was the opposite genre. It was about love and happiness. We both just sat there reading...

-1 hour later-

"Hey Bug when are you going to stop reading that boring book!" Brute has just finished buying her junk. Wait...Brute has money! She was the only sister who spends all the money she gets and not even Brat and Emily spends all their allowance in one day. "Hey Brute how did you get the money to buy things?" i asked. "Just found it next to the trashcan." I looked over to see a man knocked out next to the trashcan. ~Sigh~ "Whatever."

Brute's POV

Hehe i think Emily found out. I was nit my fault they tried to pick on me, Oh key word TRIED. I was walking around looking for my favorite game shop till 3 guys came up to me. These guys looked muscular and tall, but the problem is with their brain. They are dumb as shit. "Hey girly wanna hang out with us? We will have lots of fun." i really dont remember the guys so i called them guy 1,2, and 3. Guy 1 is the leader of course. "Leave me alone creeps." i just pushed forward towards the shop. "Hold it right there...where do you thing your going, missy?" guy 2 put his dirty hands on my shoulder. I grabbed his sleeve and threw him over my shoulder. The other two guys ran straight towards me and tried to tackle me but failed. Lucky these guys aren't as strong as Kaoru. Me and Kaoru are like fighting rivals since we were young but after the death of her foster mom. Yes we knew each other before our parents got married. We use to be skateboarding partners and rivals in the skating competitions. We were best friends till my mom told us to always look down at others. That was when our friendship disappeared...

{Hey guys thanks for reading it this far and sorry for the slow update bc of hw and other stuff.... (excuses -v-") but i made this chapter a bit longer for your wait! Hope you enjoy and wait for part 2! -Amy}

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