Powers and Sadness?

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{hi guys if u don't already know I updated this chapter in fanfiction.net first so here it is and right now I'm working on my next chapter. Enjoy!!!}

Disclaimer: I don't own PPGZ or RRBZ or the others. Only my OC!!

Chapter 4: Powers and Sadness

Koaru's POV

We are back at home and it's like 5:14. Momoko and Miyako are the best cookers so they are making dinner for us not our step sisters or parents they all went on vacation so the house is ours for I guess half a year. I know why we didn't go since it was a very long vacation. Well because they said...


"Sorry you guys can't go because we are better than you!" Brat said proudly at herself and her sisters

"Wait that doesn't explain why we can go to Hawaii with you guys" Momoko said

"You guys can't come because we FORGOT to buy your tickets when they were on sale, oppsie sorry" Our parents said not guilty of what happened.

"Oh we would be gone for half a year and you better not embarrass my name while I'm gone!" She said glaring at all of us. Then they left.

-Flashback End-

Well that was an hour ago so we got our first mission and it's tonight. The spirits are still here with us, they need to go into our bodies so we can transform into the Phantom Angels. Oh when we transform it only changes the clothes and makes us with different powers but it doesn't change how we look like so the king gave us each a mask to where with our signature colors. The mask looks like wings so that's why we are called the Phantom Angels.

"Dinner is ready!!" They yelled from the kitchen and we raced to the table and started eating.

After eating we went to the basement. Our step sister or parents don't go in there because it was dirty and full of mice but now we cleaned it up and it looks very pretty. Miyako, Kimeko, and Amy all decorated so it won't look as bad and to cover up the secret passage. We went to the wall with a painting with angels on it and behind it was the passcode pad. We punched in the passcode and the wall opens up that leads down. At the bottom is a big beautiful room that can lead to outside and it has a very clean bathroom for shower and other things. There is a 7ft flat screen T.V. and a very comfy couch. There is also a coffee table and another secret room where we store all the ancient artifacts.

I went down to the couch and turned on the TV and watched some sports. Blossom was planning on where to get in. Oh yeah I should try out some of my powers in the training room. I got up and started walking to the training room till...

"Hey where you going?!" I heard Amy and Kimeko yelled out.

"To the training room" I yelled back

"Wait for us we wanna come too" They called back and I waited for them to catch up. We went in the training room together and called our spirits to help us transform and they did.

Powered Buttercup

Hopping Bunny

Black SilverWing

Bunny's POV

We finished transforming we thought we needed to test out or powers first before using them.

"What do we do to use our powers?" I asked

"Ok first you need to concentrate since we don't know your powers yet." Chu said

"Ok" I concentrated my powers and I got up and I heard a voice saying I should run so, I got up and started running. I was super-fast I was light as air. I zoomed past Buttercup and landed next to my favorite sister Amy.

"Wow that was AWESOME!!" I heard my sisters say.

"You have the Powers of Air" Chu said "There are different ways to use air, but you have to train to use you powers.

"Ok" I said happily.

"Now it's my turn" Buttercup said and began concentrating.

I saw her body glow and then the door opened and Blossom and Bubbles came in and they were already transformed. Then something was touching my head. It was a tree. How did a tree get here? (Since this is a special training and safe room it's indestructible and if it did break it will mend itself)

"You have the Powers of Plants or Nature" Woof told Buttercup

"Cool!!" Buttercup said out loud

"Me I wanna go next!" Bubbbles said

"Ok you can go" Amy told her and she began glowing blue. Then she flicked her hand and water came out of the pipes. It went straight to Buttercup.

"Hey watch it Bubbles!" Buttercup all soaked wet

"Sorry" She said

"You have the Powers of Water" Chirp said

Blossom went and she glowed pink. She opened her eyes and grabbed a weapon and cut herself!

"What are you doing Blossom" We yelled and then it healed. She cut me and healed me. It was awesome.

"And you have the Powers of Healing" Meow told her

"Ok now my turn" Silverwing said

SilverWing's POV

I concentrated hard and I felt a strange power flowing different from my sisters (they can sense each other's powers). Mine was a bit different. I opened my eyes and grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing runes in ancient languages. When I was finished a Black and silver scaled dragon came out.

"Wow cool can you make a car?" Bunny said and I drew the rune for it and out came a car.

"And you have a rare power that was lost. It was used in ancient times but now no more. You have the Powers of Runes. Or you can call it casting spells." Humm said

"That's soo cool!!" I was soo happy I can do anything with this.

"But the Power also came with a price. It was lost because ancient people used it in their daily lives. That lowered their life span so they didn't have enough time to teach it to people." Humm said with sadness.

I was so shocked I ran out of the room to my bed and I laid there processing what Humm said.

Blossom's POV

After what Humm said Silverwing ran out of the room and Bunny was about to chase after her but Buttercup stopped her.

"She needs to think this out for herself" and Bunny nodded. I went to the kitchen with Bunny since bunny wanted to make something for Amy so she would feel better. And we need to hurry up it was 7: 43 and we still need to do the mission at 9:00PM.

{the next chapter may be updated tomorrow thanks!! R&R!!}

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