Memory and Note

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{Hi here is another chapter and hope you like this story. Enjoy!}

Disclaimer: Don't own PPGZ or RRBZ or anyone else. only my OC's

Chapter 5: Memory and Note

Amy's POV

"Why! Why! Why!" I said to myself while running to my room.

"Why does this always happen to me. I thought people liked me I thought god liked me. Why did it have to be me?!" I said out loud when I got to my room. I locked the door and walked to the bed. I cried on the pillow. "It's always like this! Why do people want me to die?" I said sobbing.


I woke up by my foster parents screaming at each other. I hid in the hallway holding my stuff animal "Piggy".

"What do you mean you want me to return them back to the foster home?!" My foster mom yelled

"We do need kids. They aren't even ours why do we have to take care of them?!" Foster dad yelled

"They are only 3 and WE agreed to take care of the children!" She yelled back

"Now I don't think it's a good idea! So SHUT UP!" he said that scared me I ran to my foster mom and hugged her leg.

"Oh how nice a little bad girl is awake and look how much stress you caused us just to put you back to bed!" He screamed at me.

"I wished you could be like your sisters and go to sleep. Since you can't even do that then you should just DIE!" I got scared and my foster mom hugged me and yelled back at him to stop. I cried I didn't want to die. Maybe I should since I was a nuisance to my parents.

"Come on don't listen to your Father" she said with venom and she tucked me in the bed and started to sing ("Fairytale" by Neja)

Sha La La Sha La La Sha La La Eee Ya Eee Ya x 2
For You
Ohh x 2
I will tell you a story while you are in bed
You're just a baby but you'd understand
Babies can see what others can do
And teach them something new
Oh when your eyes open up theres a whole world to feel
It all turns around, its a dream or its reeaaaal
I'll come to work now your hard at the show and I want to let you know...
There is a fairytale for you
Open your dreams and it will come true
And if you find a way I'm glad to stay, with you (ooohh yeah)
There is a fairytale for you
Open your dreams and it will come true
Life doesn't hear the best so find the rest
In yoooouu...
If your love is true.. (sha la la sha la la sha la la eee ya eee ya x2)
So, we'll here and pass into grow old and wise
Some fairytales will be turned into lies
You'll have to find out the right thing too do and what burns inside of youu..
There will be someone who tried to change your way to here
But never mind baby just tryin to steal
And for this reason I'm singing is this song that you will be strong
There is a fairytale for you
Open your dreams and it will come true
And if you find a way I'm glad to stay, with you (oohh yeahh)
There is a fairytale for you
Open your dreams and it will come true
Life doesn't hear the best so find the rest
In yooouu
If your love is trruuee(ouu ouuuuu ouuuu) x3
(sha la la sha la la sha la la eee ya eee ya x3)
For Youuuuu...

And I fell asleep. She has the best singing voice I've ever heard.

-Flashback End-

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said and Kimeko came in with COOKIES and MILK. I ran to her and took a cookie. "Yum! You made these cookies, Kimeko?!" I said stuffing cookies in my mouth.

~Cough Cough~

"Here is some milk" She gave me the milk and I chugged it down.

"Thanks I thought I was going to die from choking" Stuffing more in my mouth.

"Slow down Amy the cookies aren't going anywhere." Kimeko said and then one of the cookies came alive and jumped off the plate and jumped out the window.

"Umm… I think it's only that one" Kimeko said and we laugh so loud the others came in.

"Happy that you're feeling better" Miyako said

"Yep" I said I was feeling better

"Ok we need to work on our mission" Momoko said

"Here" Meow said and gave Momoko a paper but not just any kinda paper it has us in chibi form on it and it says "From the Phantom Angels" on it.

"Cool what is it" Buttercup said.

"It's for you guys to give them a notice card before you go" Meow said

"But why?" We asked

"Well you guys aren't bad guys right so why not tell them so they can know." Chirp said

"But we don't wan…" Buttercup said but then cut off by Woof

"And it gives you a challenge" Woof smirked

"Ok but how do we get it to them?" Miyako asked

"Well you or Amy can fly over there" Chu said and we stared at her wide eyed

"We can turn into animals!" We said together.

"Yep did we not tell you that?" Humm said

"You didn't tell us anything about that" We said

"Oh sorry; Blossom has the power of the cat, Buttercup the dog, Silverwing the humming bird, Bubbles the bluebird, and Bunny the bunny." Humm explained

"How do we transform into animals?" I said

"Everything is about concentration and you must transform for this to work" Chu said and we transformed

Hyper Blossom

Powered Buttercup

Black Silverwing

Rolling Bubbles

Hopping Bunny

I concentrated on being an animal and when I opened my eyes everything was so big. I had wings and I flapped them and everything was like in slow motion. I flew very fast. Then I saw the others transform into their animal.

"Cool!" I said circling the ceiling.

"I know right" Buttercup said

"We can speak animal!" Bunny said talking to a mouse

"Hi little mousy can you help us take this note to the police office?" Bubbles asked politely

"Sure thing Bubbles" The mouse said and went to deliver the note.

Police office

Boomer's POV

I was training with my brothers with the Captain. Since we are the best trainers then the captain wanted us to train with him. ~Boom~

"Captain, sir!" one of the police men came in

"We recived a note from a mouse and it says that the new Phantom Angels will steal Fire stone" The cop said and Captain went and called me and my brothers to go and capture the Phantom Angels. I wondered if they are really Angels

{Hope you like it and i will try to update as much as i can before break ends. Thanks!! R&R!!!}

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