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Dara's POV

My vacation here in the Philippines is almost over. Tomorrow, me and my bestfriend Sky will be back to Korea. It was a nice vacation but it would be a lot better if I could see Sol before we leave. I just want to let him know that I'll be going back to my home country. I sighed as I remember what he said to me. He said we will see each other again, forever.

"You know I still don't understand why you keep on sighing these past few days. Are you already bored?" Sky appeared out of nowhere, or maybe I was just lost in my own thoughts.

I sighed again.

"That's like the hundred time already." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about --"

"About Sol? The weird guy you met in Quiapo?"

"Yeah. And you believe my story, right?" I eyed her consciously.

Sky looked at me intently.

"Ofcourse I do." She told me seriously. One good thing about my best friend is that she is open-minded.


"But that doesn't mean that you have to bore us with your sighs about him. Come on, Sandy. We're supposed to enjoy our vacation here."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Good thing I have you here." I said, determined to forget about Sol for just today.

"Great! Come, I found something cool over there."

The day ended really quick and I enjoyed it. Sky made sure that I keep my mind off of Sol while we ride roller coaster, eat ice cream, and climb rocks. But now that I'm alone again in my room, I can't help but think about Sol again. Call me a flirt but I really want to see him again.

Just like an answered prayer, the wind blew hard on my open window. A faint smell of honey reached my nostrils.


His voice was like music on my ears. I closed my eyes and try to get my mind off the loud beating of my heart.

"What is the reason for your tears? Did someone hurt you?" The abrupt change in his tone made me jump. It was anger. I'm thinking that maybe the thought of me being hurt by someone is driving him mad. I felt happy. He is concerned about me.

I didn't realize that I'm already crying. Maybe it's because of the wait. Or maybe it was because of the fact that I was able to see him again before I leave.

"Dara..." Sol called for me and all I am doing here is close my eyes and sob.

"S..sorry.. I'm j..just.. happy.." I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was his silver eyes. It looks like the moon itself.

"You are happy but you are crying." He said it more than asking.

"Yeah. They said I'm weird."

Sol lift his right hand and almost touched my face, but he didn't. He put it back in his pocket.

"I do not know the exact meaning of 'weird' but I do not think that is the right word to describe you."

"Ofcourse you will say that."

"What do you mean?" He asked me, his face completely clueless.

"Nothing." I smiled.

Have you ever had that awkward moment in your life when you can't look straight in the eye of your crush? I know I'm blushing right now because of the way he stares at me. His eyes are so focused on my face (which by the way is oily right now).

Some minutes past and we were just like that. No one tried to break the silence. He just stared at me, unmoving, mind you. And I suddenly became interested on my feet that I did not try to look up at him.

"You are special to me." My heart skipped a beat. My eyes met his gray eyes. He meant it, I know he did. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could utter a word, there was a knock on my door.

"Sandy, do you have an extra pillow? I can't sleep with only two." Sky was the one on the door then. Argh. I love her but spoiling this moment is another story.

"No." I said hoping that she will stop bothering me, us.

"I don't believe you. Come on, let me in." She said with a giggle. In normal situations, i'd be more than glad to let her in my room but not this time.

"Shall I leave?" Sol asked in almost a whisper.

No! I don't want you to leave. That's what I wanted to say. But I need to compose myself.

"Okay. But will you please come and see me tomorrow morning? I will be leaving for Korea already." Geez. I hope I didn't sound desperate to meet him again although the truth is I really am.

"I will. I promise."

The wind blew hard once more and he was gone. The feeling of emptiness filled me. I sighed abd open the door for my bestfriend who just ruined my night (unintentionally, okay?)

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I smiled at her but she was looking furious at me.

"Never ever see him again, please. He's dangerous." She said before she hurried off leaving me unsure why she seemed to know Sol personally.

***author's notes***

After months.... I was able to update it. It might be short but I have more to add to it. I dedicate this chapter to one of youngbae's avid fan. Hope you like your character here as Sky.

Thank u so much for reading this. Thank you for keeping me inspired.

Follow.me : @roshanne_elie

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