The Game of Time

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And so this blonde girl just slapped me hard on my handsome face -- great. I was even beginning to admire how gorgeous she is. All of that's gone now.

"What'd you do that for?" I asked. Man, if you've just been slapped by a pretty woman whom you met for the first time in your life, wouldn't you ask the same thing?

Miss Blondie smiled at me and her white teeth dazzled me. She held out the picture she's looking at and I realized that it's me. I was on my knees and my mouth is hanging open, drooling, my eyes closed and I'm holding my throat. You could easily say that it's taken while I'm dead thirsty, but all I can see is how awful and stupid I look in the picture. For her to recognize me now, do I look stupid up to this moment? Oh, man.

"So?" I said. I'm really not rude towards girls, especially beautiful girls but she just slapped me, man.

"You disgrace us all so you deserve it." she said in that accent of hers. I thought it was American but it's something else.

What did she mean by "you disgrace us all"? I don't get it.

"I don't get it."

"That's why you're still such a loser. Because you don't get simple things." she said as she put my picture back inside her signature bag.

"Whoa For a beautiful lady, you've got an ugly attitude."

"Thanks. I appreciate that." she looked at me with such happiness in her face.

What the? She appreciates me and even glad that I said she's got an awful attitude? This woman is weird in the truest meaning of the word.

For some reason, she looked familiar. I know it's the first time (I'm pretty sure of it) that we've met, but something about her radiates familiarity. Weird -- not me, but the girl. Her blue eyes are very intimidating. It's like she can look through me, not the x-ray vision thing, but it's like she can read my mind. It's piercing me, my very soul. Nice, very poetic.

"You know, you're the second person who's been honest to me. I like that." she said while still looking at me in the eyes.

Is it possible for vampires to blush? Cause I think I just did. I know I am really handsome but being complimented in the face is something awesome. Alright, I take back all the negative things I said to her. We can actually become friends. Whatever.

"But you're still a loser to me." Damn. She's awful. Period. And I am not gonna take that back no matter what.

"Cool. So, who are you and why do you know me?"

"I don't." she said, smiling. Her smile is so irritating.

"You don't know me? But why do you have my picture and why did you slap me?" this woman is full of surprises.

"Well, because I know someone who knows you."

Doesn't that make her know me too? I'm getting confused here.

"Oh, and my name is Diana." she looked at me expectantly. As if her name will ring a bell to me. I tried to think really hard if I had known a woman named Diana, but I can't find anything.

"Diana who?" I asked.

She frowned and looked disappointed. Is she some kind of celebrity? Well, I'm really not an avid fan of show business so I wouldn't know.

"You must be very young not to know me."

I think she said her question incorrectly. Maybe she means I am too old not to know the new generation of celebrities. Well, I may look like eighteen but I am indeed old. I could even become her grandfather.

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