that night

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it was almost time for me to go home cause my tour was almost over it was time too get too know my son Jayden but first I went too talk too Monty about this whole situation about Anthony and this drug thing I mean I don't mind making money but I wasn't trying to put my career in jeaperdy for killing no duck ass nigga ,I walked in the studio and left Jayden in the play room with mike .

" wassup cash what's on your mind ? " asked Monty as he dapped me up

" what was Alex talking about with this Anthony kid ?" I asked

" he want us too help him take over the drug game and we still making side cash " said Monty

" I still gotta do this DNA test for Jayden " I told him

" man you don't have too go thru all that man Jayden look like you from young days til now " said Monty

" didn't you get a DNA test for kennedy ?" I asked

" yeah that's only cause Tracy cheated on me with her co-worker " said Monty

" exactly I need one for Jayden " I told him

" if you want too im right behind you buddy " said Monty

" listen tomorrow when we get back home Im taking lil man too meet his cousins while you explain all this too Nikki cause I know she gone spazz on you and I will bring him back tonight so she can meet him " said Monty

" good idea buddy lemme go holla at Jayden and see what he like I wanna bond with my kid " I told him walking out

I walked back in the game room too find Jayden playing gta 5 I watched for a minute and notice lil dude was smart he did what I did when I play and I looked over at mike and told him too leave so I can talk too him

" hey Jayden can we talk for a minute ?" I asked

" yes daddy " said Jayden pausing the game

" what do you like too do at home with mommy " I asked

" I Cant Really Do Much My Daddy Don't Let Us Play Video Games "Said Jayden

"Jayden Listen That Guy Isn't Your Daddy I am So Don't Call Him Daddy Call Him Anthony "I Told Him

"He Told Me Not Too Call Him That And If I Did He Was Going Too Whoop Me "Said Jayden

"Has He Hit You Before? "I Asked

Jayden Got Quiet And Started Looking At His Body That's How I New,Something Was Wrong

"Jayden Its Okay Buddy Tell Me If He Hit You "I Told Him

"He Hit Me On My Hands And Legs "Said Jayden

"Do Your Mom Know? "I Asked Trying Not Too Get Angry In Front of Him

"Yes She Sits There And Watched Him "Said Jayden

"Okay Listen You Not Going Back There Ever Okay Daddy Got You Now Finis Playing Your Game Your Hungry? " I Asked

"A little "Said Jayden

"What Do You Like Too Eat? " I Asked

"I Like Fries And Chicken Tenders "Said Jayden

"Listen In My House You Can Get What Ever You Want My House Is Your House But Tonight Chicken Tenders and Fries On Me"I Said Walking out His Room

I Walked Back in The Studio With Monty Too Talk Too Him About What Jayden Just Told Me I Know It Was Going Too Piss Him Off

"So I had a little talk with jayden and he said that Anthony whoops him and miaya sits and watch "I told Monty

"Oooh No We Gotta Get This Mark ass nigga and teach him a lesson "said Monty

"Call Chris and tell Chris too call Alex and tell him we in "I Told Monty

"Will Do "said Monty

"I'm going too get jayden something too eat if u wanna roll "

After getting Jayden scrapped In I went to the best chicken tenders place this place called Martha's it was a reasturant but a play house too, I wanna give jayden the life I couldn't live when I was a kid taking him back on tour with me letting him meet my fans .we walked inside Martha's let jayden run around and play but then we had too run back out because papperazzi was inside and started taking pictures before we could sit down now this was Going to be the talk of media and in the shade room on instagram. Jayden had been a secret  now  it was about too  hit media  that i  was seen  with a kid it wasn't a  bad thing  but  i got caught at  the wrong time .i  pulled  up  to  a different spot called Allen's  I ordered thru  the drive thru i couldn't take another  loss  i  left  there and got back too the house too  pack  my   my stuff too  go  home being that  Jayden was  going with monty  for a while so he wouldn't have too  hear  Nikki  Yell about him

"listen jayden you gonna go home with  uncle monty  for a while daddy  coming back  for you  so you can meet your sisters  " i  told  Jayden

"  daddy is  uncle  monty  nice  ?"  asked  Jayden

" yeah he nice  he  likes  kids you  have a  cousin name  kennedy she is  4 " i  told him

" is  she  nice  ? "  he asked 

"  Yeah , okay  go get  your bag we going on a  plane but we coming back too  the new  house  2  days from now  " i  told jayden as  he ran too get  his  backpack and  his batman toy

" lil  dude  is hype  "  said monty

"  yeah  lets just  hope Nikki  is  Hype too meet  him " i told  monty

"  man  don't worry  about it she will get over it when she  meet  him  who wouldn't love  him  he full  energy " said  monty

" monty we talking about  Nikki  not tracey  "  i  said 

"  right ,  and  mama  zoo gotta  meet  her new grandson "  said  monty 

" he gotta  lot of  people  too  meet " i  said 

we got  into  the  car  too go too  the airport and  home for the weekend my tour would start  back on Tuesday  i  had too  call it short  because  of  Jayden and i  wanted  him  too  meet his family  on  this side  of the  family

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