planning his funeral :(

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the following morning I  woke  up  too  do  a  little cleaning  I  tried not  playing  his music  but  I couldn't help  it  I  sometimes found  myself laughing while I cleaned thinking  of  memory's hoping  and  thinking that  he would come and wake me up  telling me it's all  a  dream   I am here but I guess  not Monty  had texted me saying mama  zoo wasn't  taking  it too  light about her  baby  boy  being gone he told me he would bring the  kids  by  too  check up  on  me and too  get  them more  clothes and too  talk  about planning cash  funeral  I  wasn't really  hungry  but I  forced myself too  eat  because I  was  pregnant this little boy  here was a  mess I  sent  out a  mass text too  everyone  revealing the sex  of  my  baby  then  a  knock  came too  the door  I  looked out the  peep  whole  too  see  Monty  with  the girls  and Jayden  I opened the door too  be hugged by  my babies and hugged by  my brother's who  followed Monty  in 

" how you  holding  up ?"  asked Alex as  he opened the refrigerator

" I am  maintain  trying too  keep  it together for mama zoo  "  I  told him 

"  damn  I  miss my nigga I  cant believe  he gone but what  he did tell  me was too  get  you  and the kids  out  of radar out of town "  said Monty 

" what  about the label  we cant leave that  behind  "  said Marcus

" he's right we cant  leave the empire that  cash  built behind  "  i said

"  don't worry  I  told  Mike too  keep it up and keep the label going " said  Monty 

"  so  where are you  taking us ? "  I  asked in  a curious tone

"  we going too one  of cash  other spots in  L.A  I  made a promise too  him  that  I  wouldn't leave with  out y'all  that  night and I am  keeping my  promise " he  told me as he held  up  some  keys

" by  the way  mama zoo  wanna come over and talk  too you about planning the color of his casket and his suit color "  said Monty

"well  look  like we  moving  "   I  said trying too  be cheerful 

 I  walked   up stair's   and found serenity  in our room  crying I  silently cried at  the door before walking  in too  check on her I  just  wanted this too  call  be  over after cleaning  my  face  I  walked in  the room and sat  next  too  her she was holding  on  too  the picture of her dad when he was on stage from when he first  met  me 

" why  my daddy  ?" she asked in  a  low tone 

" baby  girl  don't question it just  let it  be god did it  for a reason "  I  told  her as  I wiped her tears

"  I  just  want my  daddy  back he promised me he wasn't  leaving us anymore   "  she said as  he hopped off the  bed and went back  down  stairs

I   just  wanted this too  all be over  I  cleaned  my face once again  before mama zoo  came over I  walked in  Jayden room and he was watching  his dad music video's  and  serenity  was with Monty 

" Mommie  where  is daddy  ?" asked  Jayden before I  closed the door

"   baby  your daddy is with  the angels " I told him

"  is those the bad  people ?" asked  Jayden

"  no  its with  the god he gone be watching  over you and your baby  sister and brother "   I told him 

he  put his head down and  I  new  at that  very  moment  I  new  my  son  was  heart  broken   I just wanted cash  too  come back too  his  kids and serenity  was right he  promised never  too  leave  us .mama zoo  was down  stairs talking too  the funeral  people about the funeral  .  after the funeralist leaving  me  an mama zoo  went  over the colors  of his casket  and  suit she went  with  a  black  closed casket  Monty took the kids back  with  them he told  me  that  serenity  had been  crying since that  morning of the  incident I new she was going too  take this  harder then  I  thought  mama  zoo  scheduled for a early funeral  she didn't wanna wait no longer so she did  it  tomorrow damn  r.i.p too  my baby  daddy 

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