that Morning

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I  was sitting  in  my cell when the c.o  called  me and  said  I had  a visitor  I was  hoping  it was my  lawyer telling  me  I got an  appeal  coming or they  can reduce my time I got too  the  visiting  room and noticed Monty sitting  with my  lawyer I  started smiling cause I  new Monty  wouldn't  leave me  his  loyalty  lies with me 

"  wassup  what  can you  tell  me  ?"  I  asked curiously

" well  we  got you  a  appeal  at  2 p.m today  with judge  lacy  she a  fan of you  so  you  might have a  break I  cant  guarantee it "  said my  lawyer  Larry

" that's  good  now  we  just have too pray  she  does  this  for  me I  will do anything too have my career back " I  told  them 

"  well not so fast cash  she got the  media  labeling you  as  a  kidnapper  " said  Monty

"  what the hell I didn't   kidnap  them she  told  me  I can take  them with me  on tour ,she making this  seem like  im a  bad  dad I love  my girls I just wanna  spend time  with them " I  said  getting  angry 

"  we understand  but  right now  if you  make it  out  you  have too  send the  girls back  " said Larry

"  what  about the  custody papers will that help  ?"  I  asked

"  I  can  see  if they  can check  it  out but cash  they  over  look  that  stuff  do  you  have any  evidence  that  she told you  too take  them with you " asked  Larry

" yeah in my  phone  before  we  got  into  it  I told  her  that I  was  taking them cause she asking me too and she also asked  me  again when we  got home  " I said

 " okay  then you  should be good  ima  ask the officer for  it   and make sure you  be there at  2 so leave  here about 1:45 " said Larry

he  left  me and Monty  at  the table too talk    about our next move  i told  him the  next  move was too finish up the tour and click up with  Alexis brother so we can get  this cat  Anthony  ima  let  Alexis handle Nikki   because  i wanted  my  girls  for good   i didn't want them around Anthony for any  reason   . then i told him to have everybody  at  the court house  at  2 so they  can shut this  down   and  i asked for Nikki  too be present  and  he said it would be  don't now  all i had  too do was sit  back and wait on 2  too  arrive .   after  talking too Monty and  my  lawyer i went  back  too my cell  too  chill out til  it was  time  too  go i  didn't fuck with the cats  in there even though they  came  too my cell  trying too  rap or  make me sign them they  cant rap for shit but this  one  white  kid he had dope lyrics  out of all of them  

" hey  kid how old  are you  ?" i  asked

" 17 " he  told  me 

"  what you  in for ?" i asked

"  battery  but  i swear i  didn't do it i don't hit females " he said 

"  yeah me  too who  was the  judge that seen you  " i asked  the kid as  he played with his  nails

" a  guy name  lance he a dick "  he said

" well im in here for the samething  i never  hit  a  female i just  got lied on "  i told him

" whats your name im fetty  wap  or you  can Call  me cash"  i told him 

" im  Jamie and  im  not white  im  black and white my mom is  White  and my dad is black but he died in a carcrash   i have other siblings but they  don't give a damn  about me  i guess that  why  i  am the way  i am  "  said Jamie

"oh yeah ? both of my  parents  died  in a car  crash "  i  told  him

it got silent for a while like a awkward silence til i broke  the  silence

"  well listen i might be  leaving soon and  i want to  sign you too  my  label " i told  him as he looked  at me surprised

" really  i would  like that  cash "  he said as he hopped up  from  the table

lil  dude kinda  gave me something too  think about  i got  up and  looked  at the clock it was 1:30  i  went too take a  5  minute nape  before  leaving i  went too  sleeping thinking about what  Jamie told me about his dad its  crazy that  my dad died   the same  way  

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