The Meet Up !

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After  Leaving the park  with the kids we went too dinner  at  this place called zaxby's    i  had honey  mustard chicken with  fries  and a sprite  everybody  else either got honey  mustard chicken or Barbeque chicken  with either ice  tea or a lemonade we pulled  up  too the  house and seen  Alex car and but no  sign  of  Marcus unless he got  inside with  Alex  i unlocked the door and  told Mike too get  everybody  out  the  tour  bus and  told Alexis  too take the  kids  in the  play room   i  sat  down stairs and with  the  others  too  talk about this  Anthony  shit

"  so  what's the game  plan ?"asked Marcus

"  first off how  are we gonna  get  guns ?" i  asked 

"  i know this  chico  name Ricardo who  will  sell them too  me any kind you  need "  said  Marcus

" boom  problem solved " said  Monty

" not so easy  buddy we gotta  find  out  his  main sources places he be and  who be there  between those times  " i  said sipping my  soda 

" that's  not  hard  and  i heard  he got  some new  girl on his  team its these  twin boys  sister "  said Alex 

"  cash  this is  going too  throw  your career  away   you  cant do that you  have hits singles albums  what about that  ?"  asked mike 

" Mike  im protecting  my  family he has  crossed the line and all i need is  too  find another one  too play  the part  too  whoop Nikki ass  and we out im not  looking for no pity party  im a grown as man who makes  life decisions about  my  life ad family  " i  told  him

" so we  catch  him where ever we catch  him at tomorrow night i  need everybody  too meet  here  Mike  take Miaya  and the   kids  too a  hotel  i will meet  you back  there after this  is  over . Alexis and Marcus i need yall too steak out any of the trap houses even if you have too take one of my cars i want this nigga dead before he gets me" i said

" you  sure you  wanna  follow thru with this ? "  asked mike

  "  Man yes i'm sure i  need  this  too  be over with  and  for my  family too  be safe ,now we all gone come in the same car Mike gone stay with Alexis and the kids its going to be me Alex Marcus and Monty and make sure nobody follow you too or from there "i told him

" you  got my  word bruh  about  my family  i dumbout " said Monty 

" but  listen its  kinda  late and im tired  from my  tour and shit so if yall  want to  yall  can  crash here but yall make  me a promise that  if  anything  happen too me tomorrow yall  will take care of my  kids  leave this town take Alexis and get  ghost  with the  kids   "  i said

" yeah you  got  my word no doubt you  know  i gotchu  " said Monty 

i walked  upstairs  too kiss my  kids  because this  could  be the  last  time  i  see them or  touch them  and  it  bothered  me  but for  my  family  im going  all out i walked in the  room too  see Alexis  looking  in a  baby  book and watching the  baby delivery  channel 

" so  your going to  do this  tomorrow  ?" she asked me 

"  yeah i have too it for yall safety  i  already  told  mike  too  take yall  too the  hotel and  i will  meet yall  there once im done  "  i said  take off my clothes '

" cash i  pray nothing  happens  too you  cause  if it do ima  loose my mind  i cant  let this  happen " said Alexis

"  what does that suppose too mean your brother already  called for the guns  baby i will be  fine if you  start too worry  too much just  go  too our  secret  place   " i  told her 

"  babe  its not  that i just don't want you too do this  alone " she told  me 

"  im not Alexis i got your brothers  plus  Monty  the drug  game  is  already ours   we just gone  kill  the  people who  think they  getting away  with it  now  come join me    "i  told her as i head too the shower 

"  im coming big daddy " said Alexis

  after  taking a  shower for about two hours and having  shower sex with Alexis i  got into bed and cuddled  with her  i never  new that  because  i  was  in love with my ex  that  it would  cause so much drama but fuck  it  Miaya Alexis is my  baby  and she ain't going nowhere it was a  habit for me  too  call her by her middle  name Ales  Miayah Alexis white  is  my baby  i  couldn't  move  with out her moving closer she  is  a  big ass baby but  i slept with her  like it was  my last  time never know what could  happen tomorrow

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