The location's

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i  woke  early  morning too  do a  blueprint  with all of  Anthony's  locations   he had  four  main hot spots  here and 3 on the  south  side and  too make  it  all better  because  he had  trouble  with  some  other cats  we clicked  up with them so my  face can be clean  and  have Anthony and  Nikki think im still on tour ,i woke  the others  up too make too get  dressed  and have them in  places everybody  had a corner too  lay  low on ,   i teamed up with Marcus  Alex and Monty  and  let  the   the  cartel handle the  four  hot  spots here while we  handle the three  on the  south side 

" listen this  is  the  plane  Me  Monty  Alex  and Marcus gone take the 3  hot spots while yall  take  the  Main one's here  if anything suspicious happens  or  if it  look suspicious  call me  or  any of them "  i  told  them as i laced up my  shoes 

"  so how  is  this going too play out tonight ?" asked Monty

" Alex  and Marcus  is  going too go  too  there  normal location  and  and act normal  and  if  he  here  anything  about  me text  me and  let  me  know  we  just  gone  wait for them  too  signal us  with a text  saying make the  drop "  i  told  them 

"  sound  like  a  plan too me ,  but  where  is  my sisters  and the  kids  going  too be ?" asked  Marcus

"  Mike  taking them too  this hotel out of town  far from  here " i  told them 

"  alright  let's  do this "  said Alex

" Monty if anything  happen too  me  between now and tonight get  Alexis and the  kids  and  get  ghost  " i told  him  as he  nodded his head assuring  me 

we  walked  out the  house and  locked  up    i took one  last  glance   before  getting  in the car  we let  the  cartel  take off first  and we took  off after them  we stopped too  get  something too eat  i  new this was going too  be  a  long  day.  we parked in  a  open lot across  from the drug  house where two  youngins was outside

" that's the twins  he  been  kinda  rocking with  them since  they  was  in middle school  "  said Marcus

"who  is  the  new  chick ?"  i  asked as  i  let down the window a  little bit

"  oh her that's the twins oldest sister she  been passed around she  looser than  a goose "  said Marcus

then my  phone ringed it was  josh  from the cartel calling  me  too  tell  me  he seen  Anthony  leaving the trap  house i told him  too  follow  him and don't  make  it  look obvious   but don't loose  him either and  i  hung up the phone 

" what happened ?"  asked  Marcus

" josh from the cartel just  called  he said he spotted Anthony  leaving the spot  i told  him too  follow him  til he  stopped  some  place else  "  i  told them 

"  aye man  roll up a blunt   a  long  one  "  said Alex

i  got the weed and Monty  got the blunts  then i noticed  a black impala  was  parked  in the drive way of  the trap house  

" aye   that's  Nikki  "  i  told them

" yeah  she driving  his car  "  Said Alex 

"  yeah that's his car when something  about too go down that's the car  he drive he  do  drive  byes  and catch  a  body  " said  Marcus 

"  why is  the twins  sister getting in that car ?"  i  asked

"  we don't  know  " they  said  in unison

we  sat there and watched  them  make drug  trades  in and  out that  house  until night  fell Alexis was  texting me  the whole  day i  got dropped  off too  the  hotel  where they  was  i made sure we wasn't being followed  i got out and  told them too  tell  me when they  get  the text  too come back and get  me  i  walked  in and got on the elevator too  the 3rd  floor  i  knocked  on the door too be greeted by  serenity  and  Jayden i  hugged them  and  looked  over at  Alexis who was reading about babies  and baby   names  . i  walked  over too  her and layed on  her stomach kissing the baby i  felt  her smiling  down  on me   i  kissed her and then the  baby again

"  so  you  really  not going too tell me what  we  having ?" i asked her

"nope you  going too  have  too  wait  like everybody  else  "  she  told me 

"  your  stubborn  ass  fuck  remeber  im not  getting no more steak  " i   told her  as  she  made a pouting face

" the  only  way you  get  more steak is  if you  tell me  or your ass  is  going  on a diet 
" i  told  her

" well  look like  im going  on a   diet  cause im  not tell  you  "  she giggled 

"  listen too me what  every  happens  tonight  make sure you  take  the  kids  and get  ghost  or  atleast  take them to our spot  when i  first  met you "  i told  her

" i promise you  got it just  make you  make it back safely  too me  unharmed "she said  looking  at  me with  those  brown  eyes

" i  promsie "  i  simply  stated before Jayden Jumped on my  back  asking too  play  video  games 

i went too play  video  games with  my son and daughter  until the  it was time for  me too  go  . i had fed everybody  and got  them in bed  it was 11:30 and  Monty called and  Said it was  time too do the drop  i  kissed everybody  and  told Mike  i had too leave  i  called josh  and  asked  him where  the action  was  taking  place he  said  it was  on 51 and  seablue drive Marcus and Alex was  in place. i  got a  text  saying 

Alex:  they talking  about doing a  drop on you  and Monty tonight And  Nikki  want  in she said she want Alexis so she can kill  the  baby  , so get here quick 

send  at  11:45

Me: im on my way  keep  listening too  them an tell  Marcus too let loose  act like he  on there  side

sent at  11:46

i  hoped  in the car  with  Monty  and he passed me the silencer  that  they  went and got earlier from  the chico . he  parked  a  block away  from the  house   i  walked  on the porch  shooting the young one's with  the silencer when  it  came down too family  i showed  no  remorse i  just  prayed  i  made  it safely  out of  here i  walked  in too only  notice a  couple people  with  the same color  dreads as me  this was about too  be a deadly scene lord be with me

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