Chapter 6 : he is mines

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I  was excited ass hell because me and  cash  was back together for the sake of Jayden and  I  never  pictured me  being a mother too  his girls  my  brother Marcus Called Me  too tell me he was proud  of me I over heard cash  talking too Monty  about something hitting Media I  walked too the back of the bus  too  see what  was  the  problem

" what  happened ?" I asked looking concerned

" The  media uploaded pictures  of  me and Jayden saying he isn't  my son " said cash

" the only option we got too shut them up is the DNA test " said  Monty

" lets do it  first  stop  we make we getting one from the store and so  we can shut them  up  " said cash

" Mikey  what's  our first  stop ?" asked Monty 

" our first  stop is  where we ended at  we left L.A  so  we going to Denver next " said Mike 

" where is Chris  ?" I asked 

" he said  he will  meet  us there  he  left  two  hours before  us his  manager wasn't going too  wait any longer "  said Mikey

Jayden was watching SpongeBob on cash  laptop  serenity  was watching Bratz on her tablet and  Nalasia was asleep in her carseat  atleast  I had  a  break  for a minute then I heard cash  yelling over the phone just  when I  thought things was  about too get  better shit get  worse I  felt like I was being a baby  sitter

" what happened now  ?" I  asked

"  Nikki the bitch called the police and  they  said  I have too bring  the girls  back  or  im going too jail cause  they  consider that  as kidnapping  " said cash

" that's  bullshit  we too  far  and  you  their dad did you  tell  them that ?" I  asked 

" they  don't give a damn about that  Alexis its  my  career if I don't send them girls  back too Nikki  "  said cash 

" wait didn't she tell you too take  the girls  on tour ?"  asked Monty

" yeah  so its  her word against mines they  take  her word over mines  I gotta  call  my  lawyer I m not sending my  girls back on  the plane  alone  " said cash 

" how about I go with them they  will  be  okay  with me I will  catch up with yall when I  get  back just  send  Mikey  back at  me  " said Monty 

" naw  I cant  do that  its too  risky  you know Anthony and his boys probably  looking  for  us and  them catching you by your self is  a  open kill im not  risking  it  you know  she don't said some  shit too him  "  said cash

"  well what  you  gone  do ?" I  asked 

"  only thing  I can  do call my lawyer if  I keep  putting my shows  on hold they  will  cancel them  and  I will loose money  " said cash

" whatever you  do we behind  you bae " I told  him kissing  his  lips 

" thanks lemme call him now " said cash

 me and Monty  walked out the room too give cash  some time too  talk too his Lawyer about the  girls this bitch was crossing the  line  I have too do  something too help him and  as  for her she better pray  too  jesus I don't  find her cause if  I do  she  is dead she fucking with my  family and my man she gotta be loosing  her  last fucking  mind 

" we  have too  help  him  " I  said whispering

"I know but how cause  that  bitch is foul and  outta play " Said Monty 

" I don't  like that bitch she crossed the  line with my  family " I said

"  we  have too  find  away too help  him before  she cause  him too loose  his  job and  loose my  nieces  too that  bitch " said cash

I new if  he loose those  girls  too  Nikki it will  kill him so me and  Monty  had too come up with  a  plan I just  want  too  help  him that's all   I missed  him a lot  im going to  help my baby and  be there for him cause that  bitch think she gone win not with   me on his team she must've bumped her fucking  head

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