the meet up

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after telling Alexis too come thru later i had too go meet up with Alex at the park i got out the car followed by Monty and Mikey chris couldn't come . because royalty was alsleep he didn't wanna wake up Alex was sitting in the park I walked over too him and dapped him up

" Wassup Chris told me you wanted too meet up " said Alex

" yeah I just found out my bitch is working with that Anthony cat " I told him

" damn what you wanna do about it ?" asked Alex

" I wanna get him for hitting my kid and for making my baby mama hurt and suffer " I said

" okay I wanna him dead so me and my brothers can take over the game so when do you go on tour ?" asked Anthony

" Tomorrow " I simply stated

" okay when the next time you home for good ?" asked Alex

" Next month I will " I told him

" okay lets meet up next month and I promise your career want be in jeaperdy " said Alex

" that's a bet and your sister coming too meet with me tonight so we can talk " I told

" hey that's on yall but that Anthony cat I want him dead and his corpse at his other babymama door step " said Alex

" done Deal " I told them as I walked off

I walked off too go back home Monty drove while I sat in the passenger seat and Mikey sat in the back I rolled a Blunt too ease my mind I know this shit was crazy but I had to do what was right for me and my kids and I was leaving on tour and thinking about taking Alexis with me . I got back too Monty crib and chris was up feeding cooking while the kids was playing in the game room . I walked upstairs too take a shower before Alexis came over Chris had no Idea she was coming after 20 minutes of showering I got out and put on some gym shorts and a tank top with some polo socks then chris knocked on the door too tell me that Alexis was here I walked down stairs too greet her and she was holding Jayden

" wassup ?" I asked coming down the stairs

" nothing you tell me this the first time I seen you so happy in a long time " said Alexis sitting down

" I am happy but if you talking bout living lavish wise this monty crib im just staying here til I go get my shit from my Nikki "  I told  her 

" what happened with you  and ol girl  ?" she asked

"  if  I tell you  ,you  want  believe  me  " I  said sitting down

"  let  me  know  wassup  " she  said  looking my  way

"  she was working with  Anthony   so I  grabbed my  kids and  left  and she been blowing me  up  every since  "  I  said siting back

Alexis looked away  like she was  in frightened and seen a  ghost I  new something was wrong and she had something too tell  me I  was just curious  what it was about

" wassup  ma  you  look like  you  seen a  ghost " I said looking at her and  turning her  head to  face me

"'  he  use too whoop jayden and  make  me sit and  watch and  I couldn't  do  nothing  about it  "  she said getting  teary  eyed 

" I know  Jayden told me and  don't  worry  he  gone  get  his on my  life  "  I said  holding  her 

"  he use  too  beat my  baby  cash  and  I couldn't  help him he couldn't  do nothing he couldn't  play  games like normal  kids I  wanted  too  help my baby  and  I couldn't  he told  Jayden if he don't call him  daddy he will whoop him  everytime  " she said thru  sobs 

"  listen if you and  Jayden is coming  on  tour with me  tomorrow your not going back home I  cant  stand too  see you  or  my  kids  hurt  im sorry I  wasn't  there  but  I promise  ima  make up  for the  time  I  missed with yall " I  said  hugging her

"  what you  mean us  ?"  she asking  lifting  her heard

" listen every since you  and  Jayden came back in my  life I been missing you  and  I cant  lie  Im still inlove with you  and  I want  you  and Jayden too  be apart  of  me im completely done with nikki  she crossed the line when she worked with Anthony " I  said 

" that's crazy  because  im still inlove  with you  and I swear  I missed you  like  crazy "  she said  wiping  her tears

" lets go find the kids and the boys and let  them  know wassup  " I  said getting up  and she grabbed  her  hand

I  walked  into  the media too see the kids  playing and I walked  in the studio  too  see Chris in the Booth I  walked in and   sat  down and Alexis sat  on my  lap  chris  Monty  and Mikey looked at me  and  Alexis   we started Smiling and  they  already new what  time  it was I got  my  baby  back  . they  fixed drinks and we drunk  a  li bit and  I got  in the booth  too  come up  with a song I  I told  mikey  too hit  yo gotti line  so  we can do a  track and  gotti  came  over that  night he was at  his  house already  in the booth and  he  said he was  about too  call  but  he figured I was  sleep but  I told him im like  kevin gates  I don't get  tired  when me and gotti  got don't we called the song tell  em Mikey  had arranged for me too  leave Atlanta   too get  back  on tour  it  couldn't wait  til tomorrow that's  like  putting my money  on hold my  phone started ringing it was nikki I showed alexis and she answered it and started snapping  all I could  do was laugh my  baby  went from being sweet  too being a  hot head zoovier that's my  shawty  forever so I know  we good she was going too be  my wife  and my  girls  new  stepmom  I  told Mikey  too get  a good lawyer cause  I was taking the girls  on tour with me  but that  Anthony cat was a dead man walking

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