The First Stone Fragment

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<><>Absol's POV<><>

An hour passes, and we're still airborne. Funny. Never actually occurred to me that the Star Realm could exist in the air.

Finally, the stone platform rises faster, and we see a floating island. Yes. Literally, and exactly. Perfectly suspended in the air, no supporting pillars beneath it, or anything of the sort.

As we near even closer, I spot a tower in the very center of the island. I immediately jump off the platform and onto the island, once the distance is close enough.

"It appears no humans dwell on this land," I tell my traveling companions. Serena looks over to the large tower. "There. We have to go there."

Ash and I nod. Suddenly, the clouds around the odd tower darken considerably, as if reacting to Serena's presence in the Star Realm.

Ash remarks, "doesn't look like a Star Realm to me." "It has always been this way," I answer. "The constant threat of Wolvarak's appearance dampens the original beauty it was intentionally supposed to have."

We start our way towards the very core. Even though I did sense Pokémon in the Realm, we don't encounter any.

Meanwhile, the stormy clouds above the land darken further. We're running out of time.

"Not as many breaks. We need to keep going," I order, as I start jogging faster. The wind roars louder in my ears.

I take notice of Ash, who always seems to be checking if Serena's alright. Always worrying over her wellbeing.

It took half a day to travel to the center of the island, where the stone pillar looms above us. The entrance is extremely small, compared to the tower.

I turn to Ash, Serena, and Pikachu.

"Inside is the first floor. The layout of each floor is always changing. It mostly consists of pathways and rooms. To proceed up, we must stand on the one Star Circle on the floor."

Ash inquires, "what exactly happens when we stand on one?" "The area above Star Circles are warps in space. Basically, it will teleport us to the next layer," I respond.

"Also," I continue, "as you already know, before we proceed, we must collect the Stone Fragments in each. Our task will be significantly harder, since aggressive Pokémon will attack us, first chance we get."

I sigh. "That's all I know of this. Oh, and the nineteen layers. Everything else, we'll have to find out the hard way."

I don't say another word. Just simply walk through the entrance.

<><>Ash's POV<><>

We follow Absol into rocky terrain. When I turn around to look outside, a stone wall replaces the area we walked through.

No going back.

We travel through long corridors and huge, spacious caverns. So far, no Pokémon. Wait... a shadow looms over us.


My frantic voice reaches Serena, as she whips around, face to face with an Onix. Instinctively, she shoves her hands in front of her, and says...


Golden stars shoot from the girl's palms, and collide into Onix.

Did she just... use a move? A Pokémon move?

I don't take any time to marvel this feat, as Normal-type moves aren't very effective on Rock-types, and Swift didn't do much damage.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!" I command, pointing at Onix. Pikachu's tail turns to steel, as he sprints, full-speed, at Onix. The mouse Pokémon jumps and smashes its tail into Onix's rock body.

The wild Pokémon collapses.

Serena inspect her hands, most likely thinking how did I do that? I notice Absol watching her closely. He grunts, "I do not know how you did that, but we can't spend time wondering about it. Let's go."

And so, we wander through the First Floor, occasionally picking up helpful berries like Oran and Pecha Berries.

One time, we encounter a Steelix. That didn't go well. Only Absol had much effect on it. Behind it, we spotted a small object.

My guess? A Stone Fragment.

One side is smooth and round, and the other side is uneven. It's an earthy brown color, and it's very small. I pick it up and stash it in one of the bags.

After a long while, we see a small, circular spot, glowing a golden hue. "This is a Star Circle. I'll go first," Absol says. He places a foot on the area, and instantly disappears.

Serena repeats his action, and also vanishes. Pikachu and I appear next to them a couple seconds later.

However, this floor is much different. Overgrown ivy and plants lace the walls, and lush grass covers the ground. Flowers bloom everywhere.

"First Floor was very rocky," I note, "and the Second Floor is very... grassy. Lots of nature." Absol nods. "Nineteen floors..." he ponders. "Wait. Since the last one is where Wolvarak is, there are eighteen other floors."

"And there are eighteen types."


This chapter is mainly just a lot of info in it, and what things look like, how the Floor system kind of works. Anyways...

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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