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<><>Serena's POV<><>

I can tell. My Sylveon form won't last much longer, so I grab another evolution object in my right hand. Light follows.

Flames engulf my wrists, and I now wear a firey red tank top, with a black skirt. Instead of slippers, in my Sylveon form, I have combat boots on.


I raise my hands, shouting, "Fire Blast!" Flames shaped in a star burst towards Darkrai, and immediately after, I use my next move, not waiting to see if the last one hit or not.

I leap backwards, letting Pikachu launch an Electro Ball and Absol use Double Team. The multiple copies surround Darkrai, distracting it for the split second I need.

"Flamethrower!" The Fire-type move scores a hit on Darkrai- however, it doesn't seem like it took that much of a toll on its health.

In the distance, I hear Absol say, "Ash! Guard the Orb!" Ash instantly understands, and nods. "Serena, be careful."

I smirk. Of course.

Next up, Vaporeon. I now wear a navy color shirt, with an aqua blue skirt, designed like waves at the ends.

"Water Pulse! Hydro Pump! Scald!" I never let up for a second, releasing a fury of attacks, and then retreating so Pikachu and Absol have a chance to inflict some damage, while I recover energy.

So far, so good.

I switch to Glaceon. The beautifully designed dress falls to my knees. Ice shards surround my wrists and ankles, alike the leaves in my Leafeon evolution.

"Ice Beam! Blizzard!" Can't stop. Rapid fire. Keep going.

I repeat this in my mind, but in the end, exhaustion slowly takes over. My attacks are used less often.

Jolteon. Yellow, frilled camisole, black leggings, combat boots.

"Thunder!" The bolt of electricity strikes down on its target, damaging Darkrai a bit more, yet it still stands. It's not counter attacking.

We're giving it our all, and he doesn't even bother, taking us out. For now, his goal is to reach the Orb and take possession of it.

I take a knee, panting heavily from using several moves in a short period of time. Ash calls out to me, worriedly.

I... I need to stand.

Because if I can stand... I can fight. I will fight. After all, it's what I signed up for in the first place, right? 

Need to... need to take the burden, so others won't have to.

Suddenly, the rock underneath Ash collapses, and the boy yells in shock. "ASH!" I scream. "ASH!" Pikachu startles, glancing fearfully at the commotion.

He manages to grab onto the edge of the floor, barely surviving. I start to run over and help, but that's when I notice the Orb is open for Darkrai to take.

I don't care. Ash might die.

Right as I near him... his grip on the tower releases.

And he falls straight down, out of sight, shouting for help, even though it's futile. I reach over the edge for his hand, which I won't be able to grab.


My thoughts turn unclear. What happened? What am I doing? How... how do I breathe? It's hard. I don't remember.

N- no... This can't be... Ash...


Just as a tear falls from my eye, a loud noise sounds.

<><>Ash's POV<><>

Serena collapses to a knee. "Serena!" I shout, unsure if she notices.

Immediately, the atmosphere turns red. I'm rooted to the ground, paralyzed, unable to move. Darkrai descends in front of me.

Serena begins to dash to where I am now, screaming, "ASH! ASH!"

"Serena!" I cry back. "Serena, I'm here." But she pays no heed to my words, Pikachu, as well. "What's happening? Serena, Pikachu?! Why are you shouting my name?! I'm right here!"

They can't hear you.


I am showing them a nightmare, Ash Ketchum. A nightmare of your death.

A cold feeling overcomes me. "Showing them a nightmare... of my death? So that's why... that's why Serena's screaming!"

Darkrai laughs cruelly. How sad, he mocks. Your friends are devoured by grief now. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

No. I refuse.

Serena... Everyone... They must be feeling so much pain and sadness. Caused by Darkrai.

I'll take this.

In one fluid motion, the Pokémon swoops down and takes the Orb of Beginning of the ground.

Ah, but don't worry, I'm being generous by breaking the illusion once I take my leave.

Leave? No, I can't let that happen. We need to get the Orb back! I need to shatter the nightmare!

How? Think, Ash, think. For Serena.

I'm still paralyzed. I can barely move my fingers, much less the rest of my body. Even talking isn't easy. What do I do?

Serena... She's about to cry. Darkrai... made her cry. Suddenly, I'm filled with intense hatred, hatred for causing Serena's sadness, hatred for deceiving us all.

"DARKRAI!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs, startling the Pokémon and releasing the illusion.

He had almost made it through the portal leading to the future, where he would alter the Orb of Beginning. Just almost, but not quite there yet.


Yay, more than 500 reads! Actually, I hit that a long time ago, I just forgot to mention it ^-^ Anyways, vote, comment, follow! Everything is appreciated!

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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